Website Conversion

Website Conversion” means when users complete some desired actions on your website, like signing up for a newsletter, completing a form, or purchasing a product. Here you’ll find the most important topics about “Website Conversion“.

Key eCommerce Conversion Rate Benchmarks for 2022

Wouldn’t it be great if you could grow your business? Nowadays, people are able to easily find the products they are looking for on an eCommerce website.  Ecommerce websites highly impact the conversion rate of many businesses, especially during the COVID 19 pandemic. Many people who preferred to stay at home, shift to online shopping, …

Key eCommerce Conversion Rate Benchmarks for 2022 Read More »

key eCommerce conversion rate benchmarks

7 Key Conversion Metrics Any CRO Expert Should Measure

The most important thing in digital marketing is to convert your visitors into customers. As a CRO expert, you maybe ask yourself, “What conversion metrics should I measure to see if my marketing efforts were successful?”  The goal of marketing campaigns is to increase their conversion rate; with the help of conversion metrics, you can …

7 Key Conversion Metrics Any CRO Expert Should Measure Read More »

key conversion metrics

Micro Conversion vs. Macro Conversion: Definition, Difference, & Examples

Most business owners spend a lot of time developing their websites in order to attract more visitors. Their websites should be performing perfectly; otherwise, not only will they lose their returning users, but also lose the new ones. To improve the performance of your website, you can focus on conversion rate optimization (CRO). In this …

Micro Conversion vs. Macro Conversion: Definition, Difference, & Examples Read More »

micro conversion vs macro conversion

How to Easily Measure Goal Conversion Rate in Google Analytics?

To determine your next business steps and increase your conversion rate, you need to set goals. Goals guide you in the right direction and give you a purpose to seek. These goals include sign-ups, purchases, downloading your ebook, sharing your post on social media, adding items to shopping carts, etc. Google Analytics allows you to …

How to Easily Measure Goal Conversion Rate in Google Analytics? Read More »

measure goal conversion rate in google analytics

Conversion Rate vs. Click-Through Rate: Which One Is More Important?

Digital marketers are constantly wandering about what e-commerce metrics they should be measuring. These metrics enable you to ensure the success of your marketing efforts. The more you pay attention to them, the better you can establish a foothold in your business. Two of these important metrics are click-through rate and conversion rate.  Which one …

Conversion Rate vs. Click-Through Rate: Which One Is More Important? Read More »


Conversion Rate Optimization Checklist for 2022

Every company wants to convert visitors into leads and ultimately, sales, and that’s what conversion rate optimization is all about. You may want to attract new attendants to sign up for a newsletter (micro conversion), or you may like to focus on converting more visitors into buyers (macro conversion.) So, understanding how effectively visitors are …

Conversion Rate Optimization Checklist for 2022 Read More »