Is Your Conversion Rate Low? 5 Reasons Why

reasons your conversion rate is low

If your website looks perfect, but you are not getting results, there might be a problem with your conversion rate optimization strategies. Conversion rate is one of the most vital digital marketing metrics. But why is the conversion rate so significant? Your conversion rate is the percentage of visitors that land on your website and take the action you want them to do, such as becoming a lead or a customer, clicking on something, or any activity that is considered a conversion on your website. 

Optimizing your conversion rate is important because you get more leads and sales from your website traffic. If you have a low conversion rate, you need to develop strategies to get more leads and sales from your traffic. So, your conversion rate shows how profitable and successful your business is. Now, conversion rates vary massively from 0.001% to 45% plus. Here, we will discuss the reasons for low conversion and the factors affecting conversion rate.

Note: If you understand the bugs of your website, you can fix them and improve your conversion rate. We highly recommend using WatchThemLive to see every click of users on your website so you can fix your bugs and boost conversions. Sign up for FREE.


What Causes Low Conversion?

Your website should be designed to convert visitors. If your website has reasonable traffic but no conversion, there probably are some issues with your conversion rate optimization. Below are some mistakes that might be negatively affecting your conversion rate and making it frustratingly low.

1. Absorbing the Wrong Target Audience

Imagine there’s a high search volume for a particular phrase, so you decide to make some content on your site based on that keyword. You try and get your page ranked for it, and as a result, you get lots of traffic for that keywords; but it turns out that it doesn’t have much business potential for your niche.

For example, imagine your business provides a live chat software solution. The marketing team decides to write an informative guide on successfully getting started with email marketing. It can be quite helpful and include loads of useful information, but the problem is that people who end up visiting your page for that article are people who are just getting started with email marketing and aren’t necessarily anywhere near looking for a live chat provider. So, while “getting started with email marketing” might be a keyword that has a good search volume, it doesn’t have much business potential for your live chat software. Therefore, the conversion rate for the traffic you absorbed for that keyword would be really low. 

2. Using the Wrong Traffic Channel  

The reason you are attracting the wrong target audience might be the fact that you’re putting time and effort into marketing on the wrong traffic channel. A wrong channel for your business is one that your audience isn’t on it. No matter how trendy the new channels are, you should consider the presence of your target audience on those channels before starting your activity on them.

For example, if you’ve been on TikTok, you’ve seen loads of people trying to do those dance routines to build an audience, and that’s fine. Maybe they’ll make an enormous audience of people who like dancing on TikTok. But if your business is not really related to the type of content that one would expect to see on TikTok, then you might need to find the channel your actual targets spend their time on.

 3. Having a Poor USP

A USP (unique selling proposition) is a statement or motto that conveys why your visitors should choose you to do business with. You should show the benefits and things they want in a product as fast as possible when potential customers land on your page.  

Death Wish Coffee is an example of a good USP. Their USP not only grabs the attention of every visitor at first sight but also provides them with useful information about the special manner of packaging and making coffee. Additionally, anyone who says that the coffee wasn’t the boldest cup they’d ever had can get their money back.

Death Wish Coffee USP

Even if you sell the best products with the best prices on your online shop, if all of these benefits are invisible when a visitor lands on the website for the first time, your website would probably have a low conversion rate because it doesn’t show what people want when they land on the page.

In some ways, this could be one of the most challenging issues to resolve because you are just on one side of the story. Although you can’t be in the audience’s shoes, you can see from their perspective and analyze their actions to base your decisions on their behavior.

Want to put yourself in your audience’s shoes? WatchThemLive is a behavioral analytics tool that enables you to track your customer journey. Sign up and use session replays and heatmaps to track your user’s behaviors smartly.

 4. Using the Wrong Offer for the Sales Funnel Stages 

When you decide to buy a house, you may start checking online pages to find a suitable one. In this situation, it’s extremely unlikely that a dealer immediately sends you an invoice for the house and asks you how you’d like to pay. Sometimes websites go in for the kill too early, especially if they’re selling something that involves a consultative sales approach. 

Another important point is your CTAs. Using the wrong wording in your call to action can destroy your conversion. If you use phrases like start now or sign up now before the customer is ready to take that leap, it can reduce your conversion rate. 

So think about how you can ease people gently through your sales process in a series of effective, smaller steps. For example, watching a video, downloading a guide, talking to someone, and inquiring about information are very soft calls to action that can work well if your audience is hesitant and not yet ready to convert. 

You must also think about the traffic coming to your blog; whether that traffic is coming from social media or organic search, it is typically looking for information. So they’re very rarely ready to take an immediate commercial step and buy something. As a result, you might have an email capture on your blog, which offers people a chance to get more tips or a downloadable guide. Something like that can help you increase the conversion rate of your blog traffic. 

Imagine a furniture business that has a blog post that includes ten clever furniture ideas for small living rooms. So what they might do is list some of their products in those ten ideas to increase their sales. 

But if you consider the sales funnel stage of the person searching for furniture ideas for small living rooms, what they’re probably not doing is shopping for furniture right now because they’re looking for ideas.

They’re probably going to buy some furniture eventually, but if you’re trying to sell at once, you’re not so likely to succeed. So you can offer the visitors some downloadable guide or information that helps them get closer to their goal. For example, an ultimate guide to interior design for small living rooms. 

Try to capture your visitors’ email addresses, then communicate and send them more information. Then you can keep in touch with them through email marketing or retarget them on social media as they’re moving through your sales funnel until they get to the point that they’re ready to buy.

 5.  Staleness of Your Website

Staleness can take a few forms on websites. You’d better keep your design refreshed because many things need to change regularly. You may need to modify button sizes or test a different font. 

But most often, staleness on websites is found in the blog. You might not have posted anything for a while, or you might have links to pages that don’t exist anymore, so you need to think about updating your content. 

You should go back to old successful blog posts, give them a bit of freshening, tidy them up, add more relevant tips, and add more detail in some areas. It can improve your ranking and conversion rate because it shows your visitors that you’re alive and active. 

You don’t always need to pump new information onto your site. You only need to update your content. So don’t just think that because you’ve written something and posted it a long time ago, it’s now completely dead. Good posts are written, and great posts are rewritten. 


In this article, we discussed the top reasons for a low conversion rate and went through some tips on how to avoid these mistakes. If you need actionable insights for improving your website and boosting your conversion, WatchThemLive can help you in this process. Sign up for FREE and start optimizing your conversion rate now.

Azadeh is a content writer at WatchThemLive. She has a passion for writing and graphic design. Contact: [email protected]
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