3 Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Consider in 2022

conversion rate optimization strategy

One of the most important factors that define an e-commerce business’ success is the conversion rate optimization strategies to increase sales. The conversion rate helps you measure your marketing performance, and optimize it for business growth. 

There is no doubt that digital marketing is more important than ever. With the significant influence of the COVID-19 pandemic on businesses, many shifted to eCommerce to survive. Thus, digital marketing is becoming more and more competitive. If you want to keep ahead of the competition, staying on top of the latest trends and new strategies is a must in this ever-changing industry. 

Read on to find out three of the most effective conversion rate optimization strategies you must consider in 2021.

How Does Conversion Rate Optimization Work?

Before getting into conversion rate optimization strategies, let’s define what it is. CRO is the process of increasing the percentage of your website viewers who accept your call to action, including making a purchase, signing up, subscribing to your newsletter, etc. 

The conversion rate optimization process includes all the measures you take to improve your website to increase conversions.   

Now let’s see how the conversion rate is calculated. You need to divide the number of your website’s visitors who have converted to the total number of visitors and then multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage. 

How can you optimize this number? Many people think that to increase the conversion rate, they must drive more traffic to their website, but this is not usually the best solution. More website traffic does not guarantee more sales. 

The best way is to focus on the potential customers who visit your website. You have to develop strategies to make the most out of your existing website traffic. This is possible by finding ways to enhance your website and making it more appealing to your visitors. 

Home pages, landing pages, pricing pages, and blogs are the main places where conversion happens, so you need to optimize these pages.

Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices in 2022

Here are the three conversion rate optimization strategies you should take into account this year:

1- Prioritizing User Experience

Today, businesses have understood the importance of user experience in increasing their conversion rate. Many companies are no longer employing a product-centric approach, and they are giving priority to customer needs instead. A customer-focused approach emphasizes user satisfaction to build brand loyalty. 

If you don’t meet user expectations, likely, your visitors won’t take your desired action and you will lose them to your competitors. Imagine you are a user visiting your website. What are your expectations?

Is the design visually appealing? Are the instructions clear? Does the website load quickly enough? Do you see high-quality content? These are the questions you must always ask yourself to identify and meet customer needs. Drawing up customer-centric marketing strategies requires a deep understanding of your customers. Google Analytics is a great tool that provides valuable information to know your audience better. Moreover, it can help you track and analyze your conversion rate. You can also use a behavior analysis tool such as WatchThemLive that enables you to track your website visitors with heatmaps and session replays.

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As the trend for creating the best customer experience is growing, it would be wise to put it on top of your CRO strategy list in 2021. Also, make sure to track key website UX metrics to measure the effectiveness of your user experience strategy. 

2- The Power of Video

Video content is trending everywhere, and it’s getting more popular day by day. Studies show that using video content in digital marketing increases conversion rates considerably. 

If you are considering utilizing this strategy for conversion rate optimization, perhaps knowing why video is dominating marketing these days can help you make the most of it. Digital technology has unquestionably changed human behavior in many ways, such as making us less patient and decreasing our attention span. We want to gather information and find the answers to our questions as quickly as possible. Since video content can communicate messages and information quickly, they are more engaging than any other type of content. 

You can use videos to show a product in action, tell your brand story, or anything else you can think. Employing this strategy helps you build stronger relationships with users, which leads to an increase in your conversion rate. Despite everything, bear in mind that low-quality video production can have a reverse effect on your conversion rate.            

To better understand the power of video content, take Instagram as an example. Once a platform mainly designed for sharing photos, now Instagram is introducing new video content features every now and then. It is worth mentioning that many businesses benefited from these features during the COVID-19 lockdown because of the advantages which video content offers.

3- Ensuring Security

Online shopping has become a part of everyday life, but still, there are times when people feel insecure when it comes to online payment and sharing data. The lack of human interaction during the process plays a big role in causing these insecurities. Adding a human touch to your online business is one of the most important conversion rate optimization strategies, and it ensures customer privacy and security. 

Ensuring your website has a security certificate is the first step to gaining customer trust and increasing sales. Always obtain user consent when collecting data and show how the data is used. You have to develop strategies to balance your business needs with data privacy. Here is a final tip: the best way to find out how to improve your conversion rate is by collecting and analyzing user feedback. They will tell you exactly what you need to do to achieve the best possible results. 


In this article, we discussed three important conversion rate optimization strategies for 2022. As you can see, the solution to a higher conversion rate lies in improving your website. If you focus on driving more traffic to your website but not creating a more pleasant experience for your visitors, all your effort will be useless. You need to understand what brings visitors to your website, the reasons that make them leave, and what encourages them to stay and take action. In brief, always remember that focusing on your users and their preferences is the best solution.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: https://brandid.app/cyrus ==> Contact: [email protected]
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