Top 7 CRO Agencies That Do More than Just Analysis (2022)

Top CRO Agencies

As more businesses realize the importance of conversion rate optimization, hiring CRO agencies or using a very inexpensive CRO platform such as WatchThemLive is becoming more popular. Consequently, many companies are seeking help from conversion optimization agencies lately. Businesses save a lot of time and don’t need to learn details when using CRO agencies. That way, they can focus exclusively on their business growth.

There are many CRO agencies out in the market, and it’s not easy to choose the best for your business. To help you out, we will introduce the top 5 CRO companies in 2021. Continue reading to find out which service best meets your needs.

What Are CRO Agencies?

What is a CRO agency? CRO agencies offer solutions tailored to increase e-commerce websites’ revenue while focusing on their visitors.

You might have successfully attracted a reasonable amount of traffic to your website. Still,  your conversion rate is not improving because you are not paying attention to the middle or bottom of your users’ journey funnel. This is where hiring a website conversion company comes in handy. They provide services that help you make the most out of your current website traffic. With their help and knowledge, you will be able to build  methodologies to improve your website and develop conversion rate optimization strategies. Keep reading to find out which tools CRO agencies use that you still don’t know about. 

CRO agencies set different conversion metrics depending on the type of business they are working for. For example, the conversion metrics for e-commerce include sales, checkout abandonment, shopping cart abandonment rate, etc. These KPIs help them stay focused on matters most.

Related Article: Boost Conversions by Tracking These Top 10 Website Metrics

Why Should You Get Help from CRO Agencies?

Why would companies bother hiring CRO agencies when they can build an in-house team? Most companies don’t have the time and recourses to organize their own CRO team. Hiring a conversion rate optimization agency is an excellent option for these companies.

Assembling an in-house expert team requires plenty of time. First, you have to find the right people to be on your team and develop a CRO program. This can take months, and it can also be very costly. But it is good to get familiar with a few inexpensive tools which you can use at any time to do CRO yourself.

Turning to a CRO company is a great way to achieve your desired results faster, more effectively, and with fewer expenses.

Best CRO Agencies in 2021

Now that you know what CRO agencies are and how they can help you, it’s time to introduce the top conversion rate optimization agencies and platforms.

1- WatchThemLive 

Watch Them Live logo

WatchThemLive is a CRO platform/agency that provides comprehensive data on your website’s visitors and their behavior. Understanding user behavior is the key to a higher conversion rate. User behavior data can show you what captures your visitors’ interest in your website and what they ignore. Consequently, you can learn how to improve your user experience and optimize your conversion rate.

WatchThemLive is as cheap as $29/month, which is perfect for most companies. Their freemium version has a lot of features that you can test without paying any fees.

Here are the most relevant features of WatchThemLive :

Session Replays

Session recordings allow you to watch all the user’s interactions on your website. What better way to track your website’s performance than following your visitors’ path throughout your website as if you are sitting next to them, watching them?

WatchThemLive session recording

Heat Mapping

The heat-mapping feature helps you understand your numerical data more efficiently. Heat maps can show you the most popular areas of your website from the users’ perspective.


Website Analytics

You will have access to helpful analytics like page views, user sessions, referrers, user segmentation, etc. With this information, you can better understand your audience.

Real-time Data

You can choose to see real-time data. Real-time analytics is a great way to understand customer behavior, identify trends, detect problems faster, etc.

WatchThemLive is very easy to set up, and it probably takes less than 1-2 minutes to be up and running.


2- AWA Digital

awa digital logo

AWA Digital is a leading conversion rate optimization agency. They help e-commerce businesses increase their sales through data-driven experimentation, split testing, and CRO. Their advanced methodology enables their clients to make smarter decisions to boost business growth. Morover, businesess can improve their CRO program with their help to generate higher ROI on their markeitng efforts.

AWA Digital works with brands such as Canon, Interflora, and Dunelm. They also have locations in London (UK), York (Uk), Austin (USA), Cape Town (SA).


  • Split testing
  • Data analysis
  • Experimentation roadmap

3- Pearl Lemon

pearl lemon logo

Pearl Lemon is a CRO platform that helps you offer users the best experience possible to increase conversions. Using a user-centric approach, they understand your ideal customers to identify and meet their needs.

This agency helps you identify and fix the problems on your website and optimizes the conversion paths. Moreover, they allow you to find out what makes people abandon your website and how you can prevent that.

Pearl Lemon Features


No pricing information is provided.

4- Invesp

invesp logo

Invesp helps companies increase their revenue by improving the conversion rate. They analyze all the visitors’ interactions with your website to identify the problems andresolve them. In addition, this company performs audience research and website audits to understand whyt users are not converting.

This CRO agency offers recommendations for improving your website and fixing its problems, considering your customers’ needs. They help you design your website to ensure visitors can easily find what they are looking for.

Invesp Features:


The pricing starts at $15,000 per month. Therefore, Invesp is more expensive than other CRO agencies.

5- Conversion Fanatics

conversion fanatics logo

Conversion Fanatics is another good agency that offers conversion rate optimization services. They conduct A/B testing and monitor your website continuously to find out how you can optimize your website. They also perform user experience research and offer website redesign recommendations to achieve the highest conversion rate.

This CRO agency uses qualitative and quantitative data to learn which areas of your website are not working well and need improvement. By analyzing the data, they come up with ideas to improve the performance of your website. Then they test these ideas to see if they work out.

Conversion Fanatics Features:

  • Analytics insights
  • Reporting and analysis
  • Traffic management


No pricing information is provided on their website. Therefore, ensure you know the usual price of hiring a CRO agency before using their services.

6- SiteTuners

sitetuners logo

SiteTuners is a CRO agency that offers optimization programs to align your business’s goals with your customers’ needs. This conversion optimization agency improves the user experience to increase businesses’ revenue. They use analytics and heat map analysis to find solutions for optimizing the conversion rate.

This agency reviews your website and then gives suggestions on how to improve your customer touchpoints. They also help you to increase your customer lifetime value.

SiteTuners Features:

  • Website testing
  • Website audit
  • Conversion audit


SiteTuners’ pricing is not available. Remember to find out the pricing structure of a CRO agency before hiring them.

7- User Conversion

user conversion logo

User Conversion helps you implement conversion rate optimization strategies and improve your website design. They identify businesses’ problems and opportunities to turn visitors into customers. With User Conversion, you can improve your conversion rate without needing to drive more traffic to your website.

This company offers solutions for lowering acquisition costs, removing friction points for your customers, and increasing sales.

User Conversion Features:

  • Web analytics
  • User research
  • User testing
  • Content optimization


User Conversion doesn’t provide any pricing information either. Before hiring a conversion rate optimization agency, consider your budget. Make sure you can afford the price they offer in the long term because CRO won’t happen overnight.


Hiring CRO agencies can be more efficient to increase a website’s conversion rate. Some companies might think that getting help from a CRO company is expensive, but if you choose the one that fits your business, it will soon pay for itself. In fact, it will cost less than building an in-house CRO team.

Now that you know the top conversion optimization agencies in 2021, it’s your turn to choose the one that is the best fit for your company. When choosing a CRO agency for your business, take these three factors into account: your company’s size, goals, and budget.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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