15 Key Factors That Influence Your Conversion Rate

key factors that influence your conversion Rate

If you are looking for a guide to increasing your website conversion rate, you have landed on the right page. In the following, you can find the basic terms and key factors that can dramatically change your conversion rate.

Note: Before jumping in, you should know that relying on an all-in-one conversion rate optimization tool like WatchThemLive is one of the best available solutions for positively influencing your website’s conversion rate. 

What Is Conversion Rate?

Conversion is when a marketing recipient performs your desired action; for example, clicking on a call-to-action. Conversion rate is the percentage of visitors to your website who have completed the desired goal out of the total number of visitors. To calculate a conversion rate, you should divide the number of conversions by the total number of visitors and multiply it by 100.

For example, if your website gets 1000 visitors but only 20 visitors buy or respond to a CTA, your conversion rate is 20 divided by 1000, multiplied by 100, which brings a conversion rate of 2%. But is 2% a reasonable rate? Read this article to figure out what a good conversion rate is.


What Influence Your Conversion Rate? 

When it comes to online marketing, the most significant factor is conversion rate. Conversion rate is important because it’s an effective way of comparing the performance of multiple advertising channels and measuring the efficiency of each campaign or ad group. We have listed different factors that can influence your conversion rate.

1. UI/UX Design

Your website is undoubtedly judged by its design, so designers should consider different factors such as the website’s usability, user engagement, and key performance indicators to get the highest conversion rate. To increase conversion rates, you need to:

  • Improve the onboarding 
  • Use familiar design patterns in your layouts
  • Include achievable CTAs
  • Use negative space effectively 
  • Add eye-catching visuals 
  • Optimize the loading speed 

By following some tips, your product is easily accessible to potential customers. Since they have all the information they want, the chances are high that they keep coming back to your site, which eventually increases the conversion rate. To improve your UI/UX design you can use Session recording.

Session replays record visitors’ interactions with your website. You can see everything they do from the moment they enter your website until they leave it. This way, you gain information about how they use your user interface and make room for its improvement. You are able to see their pain points, and struggles and gather valuable data. What are you waiting for? Sign up here and snag WatchThemLive’s session replays now. 

2. CRO Planner

A CRO plan is a digital marketing strategy that businesses develop to improve the conversion rate of their website, enabling them to analyze and develop strategies for increasing the conversion rate. Using a Conversion Rate Optimization planner is the first step you should take to improve your conversion rate. Additionally, using some CRO tools helps find instructions for identifying areas to improve the conversion funnel.

3. Content Tone and Voice

For nearly all kinds of marketing, content strategy comes in the first stages. The content strategy simply means identifying your target audience before taking any action. To start writing, you should first know who you are writing for and what your readers are interested in. For example, if you sell books, your customers are literate and more serious people, so on your website, you should have formal language and share posts related to recently published books, a summary, or sometimes a review of the books. But a person who sells sports products would probably post more about what types of clothes are suitable for exercising, provide health tips, share how-tos, or interview some sportspeople. In the case of managing a restaurant, you can consider posting the food-making process and te used ingredients in order to build trust with your consumers.

 4. Load Time

 Your website’s load time is the first obstacle between your site and the users. Page loading time is recommended to be no longer than 2-3 seconds. Still, in reality, users actually press the “back” button sooner because they assume there is a problem with the browser or the page is unavailable. So short load time is vital to keep customers on the site.

5. Personalization

Personalization is the process of knowing your customers’ needs, preferences, and interests so that you can pave the way for them to get what they want sooner and with less effort.

Imagine a customer is searching for a pair of jeans, but she has to browse more than 50 pages of men’s clothing. The tiring process will stop the woman from searching. In such a situation, the chances are high that the customer never revisits your website, and your website’s visits will drop dramatically in the long run. 

You probably do not want to withhold customer content; using the data intelligently is the key to achieving it. However, you should provide your customers with a wide selection in an organized way that is easy to maneuver.

6. Responsiveness

By the year 2022, we are expecting at least 50% of all eCommerce transactions to take place on mobile devices; despite this fact, many online merchants are still designing their websites for desktops. Having a desktop design on a mobile phone will force users to rotate and constantly zoom to click on an item, and it can be discouraging for users and shift them elsewhere.

7. Optimize for Mobile Devices

We have already mentioned the importance of mobile optimization, but it got even more critical after Google switched to mobile-first indexing.

You should also know that without optimizing your website for mobile devices, you may be at risk of not getting ranked by Google, which reduces conversion. 

8. Customer Service 

Effective customer service should be easily accessible, available via different channels, and never-ending. still, if it’s not something you can handle, you should ensure to provide your customers with the best access in each of your sales territories. This can be done through online forms, emails, business phone systems, and live chat.

If your customer service team is not reachable by all the customers from different regions, you may face an inadequate conversion rate. To avoid such problems, you need to use, for example, a WhatsApp account so people can reach you at any place and any time.

9. SEO

To improve your site’s SEO, you need to use the right keywords, but that’s not all; you should also have the proper meta description, backlinks, and reliable URLs. According to the webmaster John Muller, 301 redirects are only practical if the content at the new address is the same as the one in the previous URL. All in all, as you have access to a variety of tools and strategies, it’s becoming easier to use SEO to boost the conversion rate of your website.

10. Social Proof

Recent research revealed that approximately 89% of consumers check online reviews before making a purchase, and 49% of them consider positive reviews one of the top three purchase influences. Adding social proof to your site will help your reputation and impact your web conversion rate. In addition, you can add testimonials and reviews on your site or link your customers to other pages where your previous customers have left reviews.

The point is, it should be crystal clear that most people enjoy using your product or service and confidently recommend others; otherwise, your website conversion rates will suffer.

11. A/B Tests

It is sometimes challenging to know what content works on your website and what doesn’t. If this ever happens to you, you can run proper A/B tests or check heatmaps to see what layout, headlines, color, or CTAs work best for you. 

Heatmaps are easy-to-understand visualization of data that helps you see where users click the most and the least. You can also see their mouse movements. Heatmaps help you figure out if your CTAs are getting enough attention; if not, change their placement and see if now they’re getting enough attention. With mouse movement heatmaps, you can understand users’ browsing patterns and design your website based on their expectations. Sign up and seize your FREE plan now! 

 These tests also provide potential customers with targeted content, and as a result, they effectively increase your conversion rate. Still, beware of misleading results; for example, if the reference groups examined are too small, you may get inaccurate results and be off the mark.

12. Building Trust

Without building trust, you can never convert a visitor to a customer, so how can you increase trust? Here is a list of tips that can help you build trust.

  1. Create relevant content
  2. Post regularly 
  3. Prioritize authority 
  4. Engage with customers
  5. Include money-back guarantee 
  6. Develop your brand voice
  7. Avoid spammy links
  8. Share UGC
  9. Let people know who you are 

13. Utilizing CTAs

Including a call to action on your website or landing page can directly affect your conversion rate and revenue since it encourages users to participate. A CTA can come in different forms; it might be a button, a link, or sometimes a signup form. In general, CTAs are used to ask people to take action, and this request can be done directly like “buy Now” or less bossy like “please send us more information.”

To make sure your call to action is displayed on the screen all the time (even when visitors are scrolling), you can use a sticky CTA and encourage users even more. 

14. Meet Expectations

People click on your site because they have read your meta description and were promised to find the information they were looking for. Obviously, if they enter your landing page and find irrelevant pictures or information, they won’t convert. That explains why you need to go through the entire process very carefully.

15. Enhance Purchasing Process

Purchasing process on both mobile devices and desktops should be simple; there shouldn’t be too many steps in your checkout process, and you should design a user-friendly site. To have a user-friendly site, you should eliminate all the restrictions and make the process as easy as possible and accessible on different payment methods, including Google Pay, Apple Pay, and PayPal. The easier your checkout process is, the more conversions you will have. 


So far, we have defined the conversion rate in detail; in short, you can define it as a reflection of your customers’ behavior in purchasing through your website. 

This article lists some of the most common factors to increasing conversion rate. To get better results, you may need to optimize different functions of your business and apply as many factors as possible. You can check your analytics, track users, and record sessions on WatchThemLive to increase your website’s conversion rate. Interested? Sign up here and get started.  

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: https://brandid.app/cyrus ==> Contact: [email protected]
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