Top 10 CRO Tools to Boost Conversions for Free in 2023

CRO tools

Over 71% of small businesses are using websites to promote their brand online. However, managing a website is no easy task and can leave you baffled and frustrated! That’s why CRO tools have garnered widespread popularity these days. 

Most business owners face low conversion rates at some point in the span of their careers. For some of us, it is a constant battle. Others, however, have found tricks around it. What about you? Have you ever wondered how you can optimize your conversion rates? If so, you can benefit from the best conversion rate optimization tools out there.

Although there are many options on the table, it’s essential that you choose a reliable service. Therefore, we have provided you with a complete list of the best CRO tools on the market as well as their pros and cons to help you make up your mind. 

Yet, if you’re sick and tired of searching, give WatchThemLive a try to get instant results!

Ready for a ride?!

What Are CRO Tools

Conversion Rate Optimization tools collect information about your website’s visitors. They analyze your website and give you information on how visitors use it. Additionally, they spot potential tweaks that could boost conversion rates.


You may use CRO tools to:

  • Learn why you’re unable to convert leads into customers.
  • Analyze and identify modifications to improve the site’s user experience and conversion rates.
  • Test and tweak the changes you make on your website to achieve the maximum conversion rates.

Importance Of Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

Now that you know what these tools are, let’s discuss why you should ever give them a try. The importance of CRO and using reliable tools can be attributed to two factors which will be discussed below.

1. CRO Tools Help Increase Sales

The first and most obvious reason is the importance of sales.

In other words, even small gains in conversion rate can result in a tremendous increase in overall sales for most digital businesses.

However, if sales are not your primary concern right now, you can easily substitute that for whatever actionable goal you have in mind. Whatever your goal is, you’ll want to increase the number of people who take action.

2. CRO Tools Help Draw Traffic to Your Web Pages

The second explanation is a little more complicated, but it’s just as obvious. In a nutshell, CRO is critical because traffic is expensive. So, you need to develop a convenient CRO program to cover this issue. 

You probably use Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or other pay-per-click (PPC) platforms to drive visitors to your website. However, you know how expensive they are. Conversion optimization allows you to convert a considerable percentage of your purchased traffic and increase your Return on Investment (ROI) which, in this case, is the same as Return on Ad Spend (ROAS).

Regardless of how you choose to drive visitors to your website, there will be considerable fees, and these prices will continue to rise year after year.

4 Types Of CRO Tools

Now you might wonder, ‘can we categorize these tools? Are they used for different purposes? Or are all of them the same?’. Well, CRO tools are generally categorized into four main groups:

  • Web analytics, 
  • Behavior analytics tools, 
  • CRO testing tools,
  • Customer survey & feedback CRO tools.

We will first explain what each of these means.

1- Web Analytics CRO Tools

Do you ever feel frustrated and lost when you see your website performance metrics? Have you ever tried to figure out the problems that push visitors back and prevent them from purchasing your products but ended up having no clue at all? Well, that’s where CRO tools can help you with your website analytics

Using these tools, you can gain valuable data regarding your bounce rate, sessions and their duration, exist rate of your website, etc. Then, you can use these analytics to fix the problems and ultimately, boost your conversion rate.

This data can assist you in finding answers to problems such as:

  • Are visitors staying on the landing page or leaving it?
  • What are the paths that people take on my website?
  • Where in the sales funnel do people get lost and exit?

Suppose visitors arrive at your landing page but don’t convert into leads or customers. In that case, web analytics tools can help you figure out what’s going on so you can discover any roadblocks they’re seeing.

2- Behavior Analytics CRO Tools

Understanding why users behave in specific ways on your website is another crucial aspect of conversion rate optimization. You can’t give them what they want if you don’t know what that is.

User behavior analytics solutions collect qualitative information about how users interact with your website and why they behave in specific ways.

Tools that analyze behavior can assist in answering problems such as:

  • Why are people abandoning their shopping carts in the first place?
  • Can visitors find what they’re looking for?
  • What’s making visitors leave the landing page without completing your goal?

For example, you may already know that people are leaving your landing page (the what), but you won’t know how to improve the user experience unless you figure out why they’re leaving (the why).

3- CRO Testing Tools

Testing and monitoring modifications to your site is also an essential aspect of conversion rate optimization. Remember, the purpose of CRO is to improve the user experience and the customer journey, not to entirely redesign your site.

CRO testing tools enable you to compare and assess modifications to see which versions convert better once you’ve identified potential improvements.

Your web analytics and behavior analytics tools, for example, may have alerted you to a high bounce rate on your landing page caused by a poorly-placed call to action (CTA): users were unsure which step to take next, so they left.

In this case, you may test several versions of your landing page to determine which converts better—perhaps with an updated CTA or by placing crucial information above the fold.

How to Choose The Right CRO Tool for Your Brand

For optimum results, you need to make sure that the services you use are reliable. After all, your time, money, and more importantly, your brand’s reputation is at stake. Certainly, you don’t want to lose face among your customers by showcasing a poor performance caused by false data that a faulty conversion rate optimization software has provided you with.

Therefore, we have prepared a list of the things you need to be cautious about when opting for one. Let’s go over them one by one!

CRO Tools: things to consider
What to Look for in a CRO Tool

#1. CRO Tools Essentials: GDPR Compliance

The most fundamental yet highly important factor that a reliable conversion rate optimization tool must have is General Data Protection Regulation compliance. This regulation enables you and your users to have more control over how the companies process your personal data, such as names, locations, email addresses, photos, etc. 

When it comes to tracking the users’ behavior on your website, building a trusted environment is a must for any conversion rate optimization tool that claims to help you take your website to a higher level. So, make sure the service you choose is GDPR compliant. 

#2. CRO Tools Essentials: Precise Analytics Data

The whole point of using CRO software is gaining a deep insight into your website’s users’ behaviors to boost user experience. Then, how are you going to do so if the tool you’re using fails to provide you with accurate data? After all, false data can mislead you and cause reverse results.

Therefore, you need to know the exact, up-to-date data to achieve your goals. Otherwise, all your efforts will go down the drain. Now, the question is, ‘how can I ensure that the service I’m using is giving me valid information?’ 

#3. CRO Tools Essentials: Sufficient Supplies 

One way to make sure you’re being provided with error-free customer journey analytics is to have access to various tools through which you can confirm the validity of the achieved data. Thus, it’s important for conversion rate optimisation tools to be fueled by a full kit including heatmaps, session replays, etc. 

If you can’t wait to start with an all-inclusive conversion rate optimization tool, sign up on WatchThemLive now!

#4. CRO Tools Essentials: User-Friendly Dashboard

Imagine you’ve done your research and have purchased CRO software that is safe and rich in features. It would be such a bummer if you opened the dashboard and saw that you could barely work with it, wouldn’t it?

The best conversion rate optimization tools are the ones that give you a chance to enjoy an integrated, user-friendly dashboard when checking out the information. 

#5. CRO Tools Essentials: Dedicated Customer Support Team

No tools, not even the best CRO tools, are sufficient without a responsible, caring customer support team. You need to know that there’s a support team that has your back in case you face an obstacle on your way rather than being on your own once you purchase a service. So, make sure that the tool you choose has good customer support services. 

Now that you know what criteria to look for, let’s walk you through a list of conversion optimization tools to facilitate the process, shall we?!

Top 10 CRO Tools

We have discussed what CRO tools are and explained their different types. Now, it is time to introduce the top 10 resources you can use to boost conversions for free in 2023.

1- WatchThemLive: The Best CRO Tool

WatchThemLive is an excellent CRO tool that can help you boost your conversions for absolutely FREE. Using this all-in-one service, you can easily track and monitor users’ behavior on your website and take it to a higher level.

WatchThemLive: The Best CRO Tool
WatchThemLive: The Best CRO Tool

WatchThemLive is feature-rich and offers valuable analytics about your users to help you convert them. Let’s walk you through some of its key features, now!

  • Session Replays

WatchThemLive’s session replay feature records every step that a user takes from the moment they enter your web pages until they leave. Therefore, using this feature you can see what attracts the users and what pushes them away. 

WatchThemLive’s session replay tab is incredibly user-friendly as it enables you to apply advanced filters, exclude certain users from the recording list, play videos back to back, and skip the inactive parts of the videos to help you save more time.

  • Heatmaps & Data Visualization

WatchThemLive’s heat mapping tool helps you see the most clicked areas on each page. By visualizing your user interaction data, a heat map enables you to improve website usability and conversion. It’s a great tool to detect website issues and eliminate distractions on UI.

  • Analytics Dashboard

WatchThemLive’s analytics help you watch where users get stuck. Now you can fully understand users’ journey through the website, locate roadblocks on their way to conversion, and provide insights on individual users.

  • Console Recording 

Using this feature, you can monitor all the errors that a user faces during their visit to your website. Therefore, you can fix the bugs as soon as possible.

  • Goal Tracking 

Do you struggle with keeping up with your goals? Ever wish to check how much you’ve progressed within a few clicks? Then WatchThemLive is the best conversion rate optimization software that you can use to automatically track your goals on various web pages.

  • Visual Live Chat

Every business owner knows how frustrating it is when your customers reach out to your support team but can’t get their message across when they have a question or problem. That’s where WatchThemLive functions as a game-changer! 

Using this feature, you can watch the session reply of the users as soon as they message you. This way, you’ll be able to provide them with helpful guides in a blink of an eye as you’re chatting with them. 

  • Automated Video Testimonials

It goes without saying that video testimonials have a much more positive effect on your potential customers than written reviews. WatchThemLive is one of the few CRO Tools that provides the opportunity for its clients to collect videos of their customers answering pre-set questions. 

So, don’t waste a second more, sign up on WatchThemLive RIGHT NOW to take advantage of these incredible features!

WatchThemLive Pros

Here’s what you can benefit from by using this CRO tool:

  • A demo mode,
  • Valuable qualitative and quantitative data,
  • Visual Live Chat (which is what sets it apart),
  • Video testimonials,
  • Funnel analysis,
  • Shopify integration,
  • 24/7 customer support,
  • GDPR compliant.

WatchThemLive Cons

  • It doesn’t provide A/B testing yet.

WatchThemLive Pricing

As one of the most affordable CRO tools, WatchThemLive offers very reasonably-priced packages suitable for different purposes from small to large companies. Here’s a glimpse of the plans:

WatchThemLive pricing
WatchThemLive Pricing

2- Google Analytics (and GA 360)

Google Analytics is the most widely used online analytics tool, with over 29 million sites using it. It’s free to use, but if your website has more than 10 million monthly visitors and needs additional data, you may upgrade to Google Analytics 360. 

GA allows you to track real-time traffic patterns, traffic sources, and target conversion rates. You may also track typical metrics like sessions and session duration to see where visitors leave and which web pages have the highest bounce rates. Google Analytics heatmaps are also possible on their dashboard.

google analytics
Google Analytics Dashboard

Google Analytics Pros

How it can help you:

  • Various reports on websites’ traffic,
  • A free plan.

Google Analytics Cons

Here are some of the challenges you will face when using Google Analytics:

  • Lack of heatmaps,
  • User interactions are unclear,
  • It lacks qualitative data.

3- Adobe Analytics

Adobe Analytics collects and analyzes multichannel analytical data in real time from various sources (your website, email marketing, kiosks, apps, and more). Analyze user flow, track key performance indicators (KPIs), and track conversion rates using Adobe Analytics. Its users love the aesthetically appealing and easy-to-understand information.

adobe analytics
Adobe Analytics Dashboard

Adobe Analytics Pros

The advantages of using this CRO tool are:

  • Market segmentation, 
  • Up-to-date features

Adobe Analytics Cons

The disadvantages of using it are:

  • The individual customization is very limited,
  • Low refresh rate and speed

4- Heap

Heap is a real-time online analytics solution that tracks page visits, clicks, form submissions, and change events on a client’s site. It automatically records user interactions in your app and on your website. Standard metrics like sessions, page visits, and form analytics such as form submissions, clicks, and field changes are to be tracked. Using this tool, you may recognize how visitors engage with and utilize your website.

heap analysis
Heap Analytics

Heap Pros

Using heap, you may benefit from:

  • Customer support,
  • Event Creator.

Heap Cons

Here are the disadvantages of this conversion rate optimization tool:

  • Prone to loss of data,
  • Not user-friendly, customers have a difficult time working with it,
  • Tracking is a bit difficult when it comes to mobile,
  • Heap’s website doesn’t provide much information about its product or its prices.

Heap Pricing

Unfortunately, no pricing page is provided by Heap.

5- Google Optimize

Google has provided a free website optimization tool to assist webmasters and internet marketers in increasing conversion rates. This tool is integrated into this testing platform. A/B testing, multivariate testing (MVT), split-testing multiple versions of web pages, and analyzing how each page performs are all possible with Google Optimize.

google optimize
Google Optimize: Web Analytics CRO Tool

Google Optimize Pros

You can use this free CRO tool for:

  • Easy test setups, 
  • Integration with Google Analytics.

Google Optimize Cons

You may find it difficult to use for:

  • App testing (since it only works on browsers),
  • Built-in reportings (no such opportunity).

Google Optimize Pricing

This conversion rate optimization software offers a free plan as well as a paid one (Optimize 360) for which you need to contact them to be provided with the pricings.

6- Hotjar

The next on our long list of CRO tools is Hotjar. Similar to other tools, Hotjar promises to help you understand how users behave on your website. In doing so, Hotjar offers heatmaps, session recordings, surveys, and user feedback.

Hotjar: CRO Tool

Hotjar Pros

Using this CRO tool, you may take advantage of the following:

  • Different types of heatmaps,
  • Session recording,
  • User-friendly interface,
  • Integrations.

Hotjar Cons

You may face the following issues when using this platform:

  • Limited chances when it comes to the number of recordings, and survey feature, 
  • Costly packages,
  • Hotjar has removed its funnel analysis feature, 
  • You need to write JavaScript codes to be able to use it,
  • Lack of visual live chat & video testimonials.

Hotjar Pricing

There are two types of plans offered by Hotjar; yearly and monthly ones in which four types of packages are included. Take a look at the screenshot below to see the prices.

Hotjar pricing
Hotjar Plans and Pricings

7- Fullstory

Here’s yet another user behavior analytics tool that combines quantitative and qualitative data to help you understand your website’s users. Fullstory is one of the many CRO tools on the market that claims to boost your conversion rate by offering you a range of features such as session recordings, heatmaps, journey maps, user segments, etc. 

Fullstory CRO tool

Fullstory Pros

Using this digital experience intelligent company, you get to have access to:

  • Session recordings,
  • Heatmaps, 
  • User segmentation

Fullstory Cons

The disadvantages you may come across are:

  • Lack of manual of metrics,
  • Inaccurate session recordings,
  • A difficult-to-learn platform, 
  • Highly expensive pricing,
  • According to customer reviews, the customer support team is not responsive in real time.

Fullstory Pricing

Fullstory offers three different plans; Enterprise, Advanced, and Business. However, the pricing of these packages is not clear. 

Fullstory pricing
Fullstory Pricing

8- Yieldify: Website Personalization Platform

Another CRO tool that promises to make your digital experiences easier is Yieldify. It claims to help you increase conversion rates for eCommerce businesses through market-leading managed service, audience segmentation, personalized campaigns, A/B testing, etc. 

Yieldify: Website Personalization Platform
Yieldify: Website Personalization Platform

Yieldify Pros

By using this tool you can benefit from:

  • Campaign optimization,
  • Audience segmentation.

Yieldify Cons

The main downsides of this platform are:

  • It lacks a free trial, 
  • Lack of heatmaps or session recordings, 
  • Fixed templates,
  • User behavior analytics offered by Yieldify is less advanced compared to other competitors. 

Yieldify Pricing

Unfortunately, Yieldify lacks a pricing page on its website, and at the time of this update, logging in seems impossible.

9- Crazyegg: User Behavior CRO Tool

If you’ve been looking for a user behavior analytics tool to help you with understanding your website’s users, Crazy Egg is a name you’ve probably come across. The features offered by this tool include heatmaps, session recordings, surveys, A/B testing, etc. 

Crazyegg: User Behavior CRO Tool

Crazyegg Pros

The good points about this tool are:

  • A 30-day free trial,
  • Easy to set up. 

Crazyegg Cons

Here’s a list of the obstacles you will face using this service:

  • Data takes time to refresh,
  • Lack of visual live chat,
  • The customer support team doesn’t seem to be responsive
  • Less advanced reports compared to its rivals.

Crazy Egg Pricing

Crazyegg offers its features in four plans. You can have a glance at its packages in the picture below.

Crazy egg pricing
Crazy Egg Pricing

10- VWO: CRO Testing Tool

As we’re getting close to the end of our list, it’s time to examine VWO; one of the A/B testing CRO tools that offers user behavior insights as well. VWO claims to help customers with their conversion rate optimization.

VWO: CRO Testing Tool
VWO: CRO Testing Tool

VWO Pros

  • Testing tools, 
  • In-app editor.

VWO Cons

  • Test categorization,
  • Not suitable for guided usability tests,
  • It has a less user-friendly interface compared to other conversion rate optimization tools,
  • Unclear pricing,
  • Although it offers many features, you need to purchase multiple packages for different features which will cost you a fortune.

VWO Pricing

As you can see in the picture below, VWO offers its different features in separate packages. Therefore, you can’t leverage all those features within a single package. Besides, they haven’t come clean about their pricing on their website and you need to request for the prices and wait for their email.

VWO pricing
VWO Pricing

CRO Tools FAQs

So far in this article, we’ve provided you with a list of the best CRO tools out there to help you make up your mind. Now, let us answer some of your most frequently asked questions regarding them! 

Ready? Let’s dive in!

Q1. Why Are CRO Tools Important?

Digital marketing is a fast-paced world where every second is worth hundreds of bucks! That’s why enhancing conversion rates is of high significance and must be a priority. Without a reliable CRO tool, this process can take forever! 

Obviously, you don’t have that much time! So, it’s essential that you use the best CRO tools like WatchThemLive to make the most of your time.

Q2. What Problem Do CRO Tools Solve?

Basically, the problems these conversion rate optimization software deal with include issues in UX, conversion rates, glitches, bugs, and anything related to user behavior on your website. 

Last Words on CRO Tools

Choosing the best conversion rate optimization software is crucial in achieving your conversion rate objectives. However, obtaining industry-standard or even greater conversion rates requires more than one step.

You must understand how and when to utilize these tools in conjunction with a successful email marketing and landing page plan, just as you do with any other technology. I hope that this list of the top conversion rate optimization tools offers you a leg up on the competition.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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