Why Is CRO Marketing a Winning Strategy?

Why Is CRO Marketing a Winning Strategy

Imagine you’ve invested a lot in your SEO to get more organic visitors to your website. Everything is going well; your traffic increases as visitors visit your website. But they leave without taking any meaningful action. Something is not working well here, right? This is where conversion rate optimization marketing shines. You need to apply methods that help you convince your visitors to take some specific actions. 

This is what CRO marketing is about. It uses techniques to convert your regular visitors, those who just come and go, to loyal customers. The tasks depend on your work area, but the methods are the same. 

Here in this article, we will discuss the importance of CRO marketing for your business. Then we’ll mention how you can improve and make it work. So if you are already interested, let’s jump into it.


What Is the Importance of CRO Marketing?

As we talked through it a little in the previous section, all marketing strategies have the same goal. And the goal is to make a visitor take specific actions; In other words, to convert them. This is important because of an important marketing metric called ROI, return on investment. 

Return on investment is exactly what we are looking to increase — investments in web design, landing pages for marketing campaigns, knowing your customers’ persona, and so on.

Next, we need to make sure that our investments are profitable, which means converting browsers and visitors to customers. Conversion rate optimization focuses directly on this matter.

What Is the CRO Marketing Process?

We need some roadmap and direction for using CRO marketing, which is different from the usual customers’ journey map. It will help us not to invest in the wrong things. Also, it will speed up the process. 

Let’s look at the steps for implementing the process.

1. Preliminary Research

The first thing to do is to understand and discover which online action is your main goal for visitors to do. Some of these actions are:

  • Subscribing to your newspaper
  • Downloading your content
  • Purchasing your product
  • Filling out specific surveys
  • Spending a specific amount of time on your website

There are many more actions, and they are different for each business. Therefore, you should make sure that you know what action to work on. 

These will be your KPIs or key performance indicators. With this information, you can calculate the conversion rate this way: 

Conversion rate = total number of conversions / total number of site sessions

2. Hypothesis

You may now start developing testable hypotheses to improve your CRO. These should focus on which page or website aspects will be updated, and which demographics will be addressed. 

For example, imagine you have increased the size of some CTA buttons. How will it improve the number of clicks? Is it just this change that causes the result? These are some questions that you should ask yourself to evaluate the impact.

3. Test the Change

It’s time to get started on your experiments! First, keep in mind that it’s critical to isolate your variables, just like in the scientific process. To put it another way, updating two items on a single page and then testing the conversion rate improvement may leave you confused about which one of the variables had a positive effect or vice versa.

4. Analyze the Result

Now it’s time to gather all the information and see what is improving your CRO or negatively affecting it. More specifically, your findings should have a statistical significance level, which is determined by several factors. 

Two examples are the overall number of site visitors and the conversion rate of the test variations. There are various ways to understand why a conversion rate is high. But most businesses use a typical built-in function of their website analytics software.

Just remember, you can still learn something from a failed test. And, that is what not to do.

5. Revision and Repeat

This is the last step in our CRO marketing process. You should always keep repeating these steps for different objects and elements on your website. Maybe some changes work well now but not in the future. However, you can be prepared for the changes by cycling through these steps all the time.

Benefits of CRO Marketing

To be specific about the benefits of CRO marketing, it’s essential to list every one of them, and that’s a no-go for this article. But here, we mention the most important ones to emphasize the importance of this marketing strategy once again.

1. Rise in Profits

The goal of CRO is to convert visitors into customers. Profitability rises in tandem with the conversion rate. So yes, you will spend more to scale up the number of consumers, but your advertising costs and other ‘fixed’ costs will remain the same, resulting in a higher profit. 

Instead of implementing pricey techniques, analyze and make minor cost-effective modifications to increase the value of your site.

2. Increase in the Number of Customers

Yes, you read it right. With more money in our pockets, we can invest some of it in advertising and some in attracting new customers. And CRO marketing enables this process to keep going.

3. CRO MArketing and Increased Traffic

A conversion-optimized website will engage visitors and keep them interested. These visitors will spread the news and drive more traffic to the site. And if it’s relevant traffic, the chances for conversion increase dramatically.

4. Being Ahead of your Competitors

Improved functionality, better user experience, more site value, and fantastic content are all part of CRO. You should develop exciting material that appeals to your audience by learning what attracts them. These contents will help you to stay ahead of the competition.

How to Improve CRO Marketing?

Conversion can occur in any part of your website. Therefore, it’s important to improve different aspects of it and track your customers’ journey as you make changes. 

Here we name some of the ways to improve your CRO marketing:

1. Try to Know Your Audience

In every marketing strategy, the most important players are the customers. They are the heart of your business. So, knowing what they want and need is the basis of each process. 

WatchThemLive analysis tool will help you in this matter. Moreover, our heatmap and session replay are services that will inform you about your customers’ behaviors and desires. Therefore, you will make much better decisions to improve your CRO Marketing process.

If you are interested in our services, here is a good start:


2. Create a Better Homepage

Although visitors are unlikely to complete a conversion goal on the homepage, it nonetheless plays an important part in conversions. It must make a great first impression and guide visitors clearly through your website to the information they want. 

A homepage should include clear connections to product and service information, buttons that allow visitors to take action quickly, and even features like a chatbot that can answer visitors’ questions.

watchthemlive homepage

3. Improve the Pricing Page for CRO Marketing

The pricing page of a website is well suited for conversion rate optimization. A visitor who arrives on a website’s pricing page may be considering making a purchase. Therefore, this is the page that could make or break their purchase decision. 

Giving visitors a variety of pricing options, offering promotions, including discount codes, and having straightforward payment alternatives can all boost conversion rates.

WatchThemLive pricing

4. Inform and Educate Your Customers

Blogging is a great method to address visitors’ inquiries about your products or services and provide more information about the benefits they can provide. As a result, it’s an excellent approach to converting readers into leads. Use this opportunity to give beneficial information about your products to your visitors.


CRO Marketing is the leading marketing strategy for many reasons. First, it will lower your costs and increase your return on investment. This is a great combo for any working person in the marketing area. Make sure you use this strategy to your advantage.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: https://brandid.app/cyrus ==> Contact: [email protected]
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