How to Get the Data-Driven Insights for Your Website?

As more and more businesses are using data-driven insights to fuel growth, employing this approach is becoming crucial to surviving the competition. However, the vast number of data sources has created many challenges for marketers and webmasters. 

Having access to tons of data doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll gain a better understanding of your target market. You need to manage your data sources, choose the right data, and understand how to use it.  

In this blog post, we’ll discuss what data-driven insights are, why they are important, and how you can get these types of data for your website. So, let’s get straight to the point.

What Are Data-Driven Insights?

Data-driven insights are actionable information obtained by using data analysis techniques. Data-driven companies make marketing decisions based on data analytics, and the goal is to fulfill customers’ needs and better serve them. 

Data-driven marketing allows companies to personalize their messages and offers for each potential customer to increase the conversion rate. Marketers use comprehensive customer data, in contrast to traditional marketing, in which marketing efforts are based on audience assumptions. The data enables businesses to maximize their success by making better decisions.   

Why Are Data-Driven Insights Important?

Data-driven insights help companies to increase sales and revenue. These insights have many benefits for businesses, and 64% of marketers believe that data-driven marketing is essential. 

Here are some of the advantages of this marketing approach:

why are data-driven insights important

1- Identify Your Target Audience

First of all, data helps you better understand your target market so you can develop more effective strategies. Moreover, this information enables you to create marketing messages that resonate with each segment of your audience. 

2- Personalize Customer Experience

Data-driven insights show you how to personalize the experience for each of your customers. These days, personalization matters more than ever because it’s what customers expect from brands. In fact, 91% of people are more likely to buy from brands that provide relevant offers. 

Personalization is an excellent way to create a customer-centric experience and improve customer relationships.

Related Article: Website Personalization: Best Strategies and Practices to Win Customers

3- Improve Customer Engagement

If you want loyal customers, you need to engage with them effectively. Engaging with customers based on their expectations builds trust, which in turn increases the perceived value.  

4- Optimize Customer Journey

Data-driven insights can show you how to optimize the customer experience. The information allows you to identify and fix the pain points to improve your sales funnel.  

Also, successful data-driven marketing requires customer experience testing. These tests will help you understand how to exactly improve your website and customer journey. 

5- Organize Marketing Efforts

With data-driven insights, you can find out which of your marketing strategies are succeeding at bringing in revenue. Then, you can spend more resources on more effective techniques instead of wasting them on ineffective ones. 

6- Identify the Right Marketing Channels

Another benefit of these insights is that you can determine the most effective marketing channels to communicate with your audience. You will be able to run more successful marketing campaigns, knowing the channels your audience prefers and the main sources of your website’s traffic. 

Get Data-Driven Insights for Website

Here are some of the best ways to get data-driven insights for your website:

1- Collect User Feedback

Collecting customer feedback is one of the most straightforward ways to gain data-driven insights. There are many ways to gather user feedback for your website, such as:

  • Pop Up Surveys
  • Live Chat
  • Email Surveys
  • Social Media

Feedbacks tell you what customers really think about you. It’s an excellent way to understand what needs improvement to satisfy their needs. 

collect user feedback

2- Conduct Competitive Research

Marketers conduct competitive research to identify trends and the shortcomings of their business. By tracking your competitors to understand what they are doing, you can level up your business. You can also figure out what makes customers choose your competitors over you.  

Monitoring your competitors can provide you with valuable information as much as understanding your customers can.  

3- Collect Social Media Data

There is no doubt that today social media plays a powerful role in digital marketing. Social media data analytics helps you understand customers’ perceptions of your brand. 

You can see what people are saying about you. What do they like about your business? Are there any complaints? What changes do you need to make to increase customer satisfaction?

Social media data can also help you improve your website’s SEO. Find out what keywords your audience is searching for on social media platforms. Then, focus on these keywords to attract more customers.  

4- Use a Behavior Analytics Tool

A great way to get data-driven insights for your website is using a behavior analytics tool, such as WatchThemLive. This tool offers features that can give you in-depth information about your website visitors. 

Let’s take a look at each feature and how it can help you:


The heat mapping feature provides a visual representation of users’ interactions with your website. They show you which areas of your website are receiving more interactions. 

You can easily discover if users are engaging with important elements or not. With this information, you can identify distractions and design your website in a way to engage visitors more effectively.  


Session Replays

The session replay feature provides you with recorded videos of users’ sessions on your website. If you are looking for a way to truly understand the people who visit your website, session recordings might be what you need.

By watching these videos, you can follow visitors’ paths through your website. You can exactly see what problems they are facing so you can fix them to create a better user experience. 

This feature also allows you to filter the recordings based on country code, browser, device, etc. Furthermore, you don’t need to worry about violating users’ privacy. 

WatchThemLive session recording

Want to get data-driven insights for your website using WatchThemLive? Choose the plan that suits you best and get started.



Data-driven insights have become one of the most essential parts of digital marketing. A data-driven approach lets businesses make better decisions to provide customers with the best experience possible. 

Remember to gather and analyze the right data while respecting users’ privacy to achieve your desired results.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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