Cyrus Nambakhsh

Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]

Landing Page Testing: Best Tips and Methods

Why is landing page testing so important to marketers? It’s because landing pages are only designed to encourage users to take action and nothing else. Therefore, landing pages play a big role in conversion rate optimization. You can only know how effective your landing page is after it’s published. That’s why you should constantly test …

Landing Page Testing: Best Tips and Methods Read More »

landing page testing tips and methods

Micro Conversion: When Small Means Great

Micro-conversions are a set of actions that create the user’s path to conversion. While it’s easy to overlook these small steps, any flaw throughout the journey can stop visitors from reaching the conversion goal. Micro-conversions play a big role in increasing your conversion rate. And the good news is that optimizing them doesn’t take much …

Micro Conversion: When Small Means Great Read More »

micro conversion

Shopping Carts Design: Best Practical Tips You Must Know

Shopping carts design plays a significant role in eCommerce Websites’ conversion rate. The more user-friendly, the higher your conversion rate will be. The question is, how can you make your shopping cart design more convenient for your users? The key to a more effective design is having a deep understanding of your customers’ behavior. When …

Shopping Carts Design: Best Practical Tips You Must Know Read More »

shopping carts design tips for ecommerce websites

3 Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Consider in 2022

One of the most important factors that define an e-commerce business’ success is the conversion rate optimization strategies to increase sales. The conversion rate helps you measure your marketing performance, and optimize it for business growth.  There is no doubt that digital marketing is more important than ever. With the significant influence of the COVID-19 …

3 Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Consider in 2022 Read More »

conversion rate optimization strategy

What Is Behavioral Targeting and Why Does It Matter?

Are you wondering what behavioral targeting is? Imagine that you are thinking of going vegan for a while; you do some research, watch some videos on YouTube, then suddenly you see vegan product ads everywhere after a few days. Why is this happening? That’s what we call behavioral targeting. Companies collect data from your online …

What Is Behavioral Targeting and Why Does It Matter? Read More »

What is behavioral targeting

Top 7 CRO Agencies That Do More than Just Analysis (2022)

As more businesses realize the importance of conversion rate optimization, hiring CRO agencies or using a very inexpensive CRO platform such as WatchThemLive is becoming more popular. Consequently, many companies are seeking help from conversion optimization agencies lately. Businesses save a lot of time and don’t need to learn details when using CRO agencies. That …

Top 7 CRO Agencies That Do More than Just Analysis (2022) Read More »

Top CRO Agencies