Best Sales Podcasts that You Should Listen in 2021

best sales podcasts that you should listen

As podcasts gain in popularity every day, sales podcasts are no exception. Listening to podcasts is an excellent way to learn new things; they are easy to consume and quickly provide  valuable information. What makes them even better is listening to them while doing other activities.

If you want to listen to sales podcasts but don’t know which ones to listen to because there are tons of them out there, we can help. We made a list of the bestsales podcasts of 2021 to help you become a successful salesperson, keep up-to-date with the industry trends, or just stay on top of the sales industry.

Let’s get started.

You can also check out this article to know the best marketing books you should read.

Best Sales Podcasts of 2021

Check out these sales podcasts and stay on top of the trends:

1- The Sales Evangelist

the sales evangelist podcast





The Sales Evangelist, hosted by Donald Kelly, is a great podcast if you want to be more successful in sales. Kelly interviews the best sales experts and leaders who offer practical tips for those who want to succeed in sales.

These people share practical strategies and experiences that give you brilliant insights into boosting your income.

2- Sales Influence – Why People Buy!

sales influence podcast

The Sales Influence podcast is a great choice for sales managers. Victor Antonio uses consumer behavior and neuromarketing research related to the theme “Finding the Why in How Clients Buy.” He helps you understand why people buy so you can sell more effectively.

If you are looking for something informative and entertaining at the same time, this podcast is for you.

3- The Sales Hacker Podcast

sales hacker podcast

Sales hacker is a B2B sales podcast hosted by Sam Jacobs. He covers topics like lead generation, CRM, sales psychology, sales management, and more in each episode.

There are two episodes per week; a shorter one (around 5 minutes), called “Friday Fundamentals,” and a longer one (around 30 minutes), which is an interview with a sales leader. These sales experts share the latest tips, tactics, and strategies that let you stay up to date with sales techniques.

Whether you are a sales newbie or a veteran, there’s something that you can learn in this podcast.

4- Sales Gravy: Jeb Blount

sales gravy podcast

The sales Gravy podcast hosted by the bestselling author of People Buy You, Jeb Blount,covers varioussales topics, and each episode provides listeners with helpful insights.

The episodes’ lengths vary, but there are many few-minute episodes, which are great for busy sales reps looking for high quality and easy-to-implement advice.

5- B2B Growth: Your Daily B2B Marketing Podcast

b2b growth podcast

B2B Growth, hosted by James Carbary and Jonathan Green, is a daily podcast for B2B marketers. This podcast offers practical advice and valuable insights from top-notch guests to every listener, no matter their experience.

There’s a bunch of great content to check out as more than 1,500 episodes are available.

6- The Salesman Podcast

the salesman podcast

In the Salesman podcast, Will Barron talks with leading sales experts to give listeners useful information about increasing their revenue. This B2B sales podcast gives you excellent advice to close more sales using different methods, such as social selling, cold calling, saas marketing, B2B marketing, and more. Barron also discusses the soft skills that every salesperson needs to be more successful in this award-winning podcast.

7- The Advanced Selling Podcast

the advanced selling podcast

Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale are two expert B2B sales trainers who co-host the Advanced Selling podcast. By listening to this podcast, you will learn about strategies, tips, and tricks to improve your sales skills and become a better salesperson. Also, you’ll find out how to engage prospects, win more deals, and grow your business.

This podcast covers many different topics, including prospecting, sales communication, cold calling, etc., to help you take your business to the next level.

The fun approach of the hosts  makes this podcast even better.

8- Sell or Die with Jefferey Gitomer and Jennifer Gluckow

sell or die podcast

Jefferey Gitomer, a bestselling author and business trainer, co-hosts this podcast with Jennifer Gluckow, a sales management expert. The hosts interview the best sales and business leaders who provide valuable information to help listeners improve their selling skills.

If you are looking for ideas, source of inspiration to grow your sales career, and salesforce certification dumps, you should give this podcast a try. Anyone can learn something from this sales podcast.

9- The Ziglar Show

the Ziglar show podcast

Kevin Miller and Tom Zigler have created this podcast to continue the legacy of Zig Zigler, the renowned motivational speaker, and salesman. The podcast focuses on professional development and offers helpful tips to elevate your personal and professional life.

This inspirational sales podcast is for those seeking insights into their personal development.

10- Sales Success Stories

sales success stories podcast

In the Sales Success Stories podcast, Scott Ingram interviews the best sales professionals to find out how they have achieved success. Ingram is a knowledgeable host who knows how to bring out the best in his guests.

This sales podcast highlights all aspects of business, and salespeople can find excellent content about how to boost their sales success.

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11- Make It Happen Mondays


Make It Happen Monday is one of the top sales podcasts covering b2b sales topics. Each Monday, John Barrows records this podcast live on Facebook. He invites a wide variety of guests and offers actionable insights about personal branding and sales techniques.

12- SaaStr


SaaStr is another best sales podcast that offers interviews with leading SaaS operators and investors. In each episode, the guests provide tips and strategies that help you achieve success in the world of SaaS. So if you are looking for valuable insights to grow your SaaS company, you should listen to this podcast.

Want to Level Up Your Sales Even Further?

Listening to sales podcasts is an excellent way to gain insights into how to master the craft of selling. However, to apply what you have learned, you need to know your customers and their behavior.

How can you understand your customers to elevate your sales game? One of the best ways is to use a behavior analytics tool to track user behavior on your website.

WatchThemLive is a website visitor tracking tool that provides you with helpful information about users’ activities and behavior with features like heat mapping and session replays.

With website heatmaps, you can track visitors’ clicking activity and figure out how they are interacting with your website. For example, if users are not clicking on your CTAs, you will have fewer sales or conversions, so you need to improve them.


Session recordings allow you to track the whole customer journey. You can easily identify customer pain points to optimize the purchasing process. Offering a better user experience leads to more conversions and sales.

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Want to try out WatchThemLive and boost sales? Sign up now!



If you are looking for a fast way to become a better salesperson, listening to sales podcasts is an excellent idea. It’s also one of the best ways to stay up-to-date on industry trends.  Of course, if you love podcasts and want to start your own, this list of platforms to host your podcast can help.

In this article, we  compiled a list of the best sales podcasts that can provide insights for salespeople at any level. But as we mentioned before, you should level up your sales game by knowing your customers and identifying their buying behavior. You should always use all tools available, like WatchThemLive to grow your sales.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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