eCommerce Conversion Funnel: Complete Guide & Optimization Strategies

eCommerce Conversion Funnel Complete Guide Optimization Strategies

If you want to have a perfect eCommerce conversion funnel, you have to optimize it in a lot of different ways. The changes you need to make might be so fundamental that they would affect the entire design of your site instead of just parts of it. You will have to make sure your users get everything they need and are happy at every stage of their journey. This will drastically increase your conversions. 

You, as a marketer, need to know where and why customers leave your website before ending their journey. Here, we’ll give you some tips on e-commerce funnel analysis so that you can figure out what changes need to be made and at which funnel layers they should take place for you to get the best results. We will start with the basics and work our way up. 

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What Is an eCommerce Conversion Funnel?


There are many ways to make sure you get the most out of your traffic. There’s no point in spending a lot of money to get people on your site if they leave before they convert. There must be easy-to-follow paths on your site that lead the visitors on the desired journey.

You can think of the path a visitor takes when they visit your site as a “conversion funnel.” That’s one way to explain it. If you look at it as a funnel, each layer will bring a similar group of visitors closer to conversion and completing their journey. Conversion could be different things based on what you wish your visitors would do on your website. For example, if you need their emails, you can manage to bring them closer to giving you their email addresses. This will be their conversion. This is why you need to analyze your funnel to find things out more easily. 

The Importance of eCommerce Conversion Funnel

If your website lacks a clear path that your visitors can follow, it will be hard for them to explore it. Having well-defined funnels allows you to test and improve your conversion paths more effectively, which leads to better overall conversion rates. For this matter, there are lots of eCommerce funnel metrics that must be considered. 

Once you’ve figured out which steps will be in your conversion funnel, you can determine which of these steps need the most work. When you break your customers’ paths into pieces, it’s a lot easier to find the areas that need work. This will clear your mind of unnecessary stuff that only slows down your progress. 

What Are The Stages of eCommerce Conversion Funnel?

Above, we talked about the sales funnel structure. Now, we’ll look at four main parts of the funnel, and then we’ll talk about ways to improve your marketing strategy.

1. Awareness

It’s still very early in the process when people don’t know much about a company. It could have been through Google or a paid Facebook ad that they found out about you.

Are you a real business, or are you running a scam? Do you have something they might like? Is there something you can help them with? They don’t know yet. 

You need to make a good first impression quickly, and you need to do it well. You have to tell them what you do and why you are important to them really fast. This is the part of your marketing plan where you plant seeds.

2. Consideration

When people get to this point, they know who you are. They are aware of the product or services you can provide to them. 

They probably are looking for a way to fulfill a need, or they might have faced a problem, and they’re trying to find a solution for it, so they start thinking about checking out your products or services. 

You need to show them your advantages, have well-written product descriptions, and other things that can capture their interest.

Also, have in mind that social proof is the key item for this stage. People listen to each other. Use it to your advantage.

3. Purchase

At this stage, people are sure about buying, but they aren’t sure if they want to buy from you. Not yet, at least.

At this point, your job is to make the choice as easy as possible for them. You need to show that you’re better than your competitors: you have better products, prices, shipping options, after-sales service, etc.

Using exit-intent popups is a clever idea to help people stay on your site. These clever little ads show up when people try to leave your website. They offer a discount or a time-limited bundle deal to get more people to buy from you. Free shipping is also very effective in this stage. Make use of them.

4. Retention

Your sales funnel doesn’t end when a customer makes their first purchase. In eCommerce, having loyal customers is a big part of making money. It’s cheaper and easier to keep a customer than it is to get a new one. This is important; the last part of the marketing pipeline is what keeps your customers coming back again and again for more.

Personalized emails can be used to offer upsells, cross-sells, and add-ons to customers who have already bought from you. There are many ways to use your subscriber’s purchase history such as making product recommendations, reaching out to help or ask for their feedback, etc.

How Do I Create an eCommerce Sales Funnel?

Now that you know about every eCommerce sales stage, it is time to implement them.

Well, this is not an easy task. And this is exactly why you need a hand for it. There is multiple software in the market that can help you to gather information and make every step specific to a group of customers. 

Our choice is WatchThemLive. This platform will provide you with services such as session replay and heat maps. Session replay will give you the power to watch your visitors’ journey through your website. This way, you can see flaws in your existing funnel or make one according to the data you have gathered. 

If you are eager to make a great eCommerce conversion funnel, your best choice is WatchThemLive. Start now and sign up

How to Optimize Your eCommerce Sales Funnel?

Now that you have made your sales funnel and identified your funnel metrics, it’s time to consider some factors to optimize your funnel. Below we’ll go through some essential eCommerce conversion optimization tips that will help you maximize your conversion rate.

1. Concentrate on Social Media 

Marketing is the first stage of e-commerce funnel strategy,

which drives consumers to your landing page. Being active on various social media platforms, or social media marketing has multiple advantages. Around 90% of marketers felt that social media gave their company a lot of visibility. You can raise brand awareness, attract more inbound visitors, promote brand loyalty, improve search engine results, and, most importantly, increase conversion rates. So, make sure to invest in social media.

2. Use Social Proof

When presenting your products on your product page, it’s critical to include proof or confirmation, that your products are worth the customers’ time and money. Displaying social evidence on the product page is the ideal method to do so. This way, your products will appear more valuable in the eyes of your customers. 

3. Easy to Navigate Store

From the first moment your customers enter your sales funnel, they must have a straightforward road ahead of them.

Avoid a complex layout and challenging eCommerce navigation to provide customers with a decent user experience. Make sure that no matter where they land on your site, they can easily access any product and service easily. This can make the abandonment rate very low which is very important for your business. 

4. Use Exit-Intent Triggers

The average cart abandonment rate is high. Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to lower the numbers.

When a consumer is going to leave the cart, one of the best things you can do is to create a pop-up message. You can achieve this with exit-intent triggers, which are quite useful in this situation.

These pop-ups will make your customers rethink their decision and maybe stay on your website.

5. Checkout Page Optimization

The checkout page is an important factor in your funnel. It’s the step at which your customers decide to whether finalize the purchase or not. If they see a well-written and optimized checkout page, they’re more likely to finish their purchase.

This will lower your cart abandonment rate and increase your conversion rate. 


One of the most significant responsibilities for businesses is to improve their conversion funnel. It’s a long process, but it’s one that’s well worth your time. If you do things the proper way and attempt to improve things on a regular basis, you will see definitely see the results. Here, we walked through each stage of the eCommerce conversion funnel and provided you with a simple strategy for each one. But if you need more help, you should definitely try out WatchThemLive services. 

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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