What Can Help CRO Experts Analyze Their CRO Best Practices?


One of the smart ways to stay up to date with CRO best practices is to follow the experts in this field. These experts work with or own successful companies to create content and digital marketing strategies, drive traffic، and boost conversions. 

This article introduces the best conversion rate optimization experts that you can follow on social media to get inspired for your CRO strategy. Also, we’re going to explain some CRO best practices to help you increase your conversion rate. 

Note: Using session recording software like WatchThemLive can be a big help in driving more conversions. Keep reading to learn how.

1. Bryan Eisenberg

Bryan Eisenberg

Bryan Eisenberg is one of the top ten user experience specialists chosen by eConsultancy members. He’s also an expert in conversion rate optimization and a co-author of the Wall Street Journal and New York Times best-selling books “Waiting for Your Cat to Bark?” and “Call to Action.”

Bryan is the founder and CEO of BuyerLegends, one of the best companies in the case of CRO and UX in the world. 


Bryan Eisenberg on Facebook.

Bryan Eisenberg on LinkedIn

Bryan Eisenberg on Twitter.

2. Oli Gardner

Oli Garnder

Oli Gardner is the co-founder of Unbounce and is one of the best landing page builders in the world. He’s a CRO expert and an amazing content creator. He wrote the book “The Noob Guide to Online Marketing” and is a keynote speaker. Oli is quite notable because of Unbounce’s success. 


Oli Gardner on Facebook.

Oli Gardner on LinkedIn.

Oli Gardner on Twitter

3. Scott Brinker

Scott Brinker

Scott Brinker is the vice president of the platform at HubSpot and former president and CTO at Ion Interactive.

He graduated from Harvard University and is a writer in marketing and technology. Scott is a famous CRO consultant with tremendous experience in digital advertising, web development, and SaaS. Scott’s blog is an excellent source for if you have a marketing passion. 


Scott Brinker on Facebook

Scott Brinker on LinkedIn.

Scott Brinker on Twitter. 

4. Brian Massey

Brian Massey

Brian Massey is the CRO expert at Conversion Sciences, which is a company that works on optimizing the ROI of businesses. He’s also a competent writer, SEO specialist, international speaker, and online marketer.

Brian is the author of “Your Customer Creation Equation: Unexpected Website Formulas Of The Conversion Scientist.”


Brian Massey on Facebook.

Brain Massey on LinkedIn.

Brian Massey on Twitter

5. Joanna Weibe

Joanna Weibe

Joanna Weibe is one of the best CRO specialists who works with businesses to help them achieve maximum ROI. She’s awesome at conversion copywriting and is a famous ebook writer. Back in 2011, she established Copyhackers which is now one of the most popular platforms for conversion copywriting globally.


Joanna Weibe on Facebook.

Joanna Weibe on LinkedIn.

Joanna Weibe on Twitter

CRO Best Practices 

There are many conversion rate optimization specialists in the world, but before asking one for help, determine what you’re doing wrong and try to fix it. Sometimes you can see a significant change in your conversion by implementing these CRO best practices. Here are some strategies CRO experts use to optimize their conversion rates.

1. Set Well-Defined Goals

As they say: “setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” So, you should define your goals before starting anything. Without a well-defined goal or hypothesis, you’re not able to know your next step; you can’t understand if your test was successful, and on top of that, you wouldn’t even know what you’re testing! For a well-defined goal, you should analyze quantitative and qualitative data to determine whether what you guess is a problem is actually a problem before trying to fix it. 

2. Analyze Customer Behavior

After defining your goals, you should know who your target audience is to create strategies according to them. Analyzing customer behavior is one of the CRO best practices that many conversion rate optimization specialists use to figure out what’s the source of low conversion rates. Using behavior analytics software helps you study visitors’ psychographic segmentation, demographics, and behavior. 

WatchThemLive is a great analytics software that makes it possible to track visitors’ behavior with session replay software. This software records each and every interaction users have with your website. You can see everything they do and find what makes them leave. For example, if they drop out of your sales funnel at your check-out process, it probably means you have a complex process, and you need to simplify it. Moreover, you can find the source of your other website issues to create your CRO strategy. Watch this video to learn how session replays work:

WatchThemLive has other useful features for tracking user behavior, such as heatmaps and web analytics.

If you’re interested, snag our free plan now! You can sign up by following these simple steps:

  1. Sign up free and confirm your email address.
  2. Add your Website to the dashboard.
  3. Add the tracking code to your website.
  4. Start tracking your users now!

3. Focus on Your CRO Roadmap

CRO roadmap is like a calendar. It is a detailed schedule that involves which part of your website needs CRO, the resources it requires, and the time it’s going to be launched. If you don’t focus on your CRO roadmap, you’ll be testing a hypothesis that is not related to your problems which results in an incorrect outcome. 

4. Don’t Forget About Micro-Conversions

Micro-conversions include actions like signing up on your website, downloading an ebook, signing up for a weekly newsletter, watching a video, sharing a post on social media, etc. Conversion is not only sales; without these micro-conversions, your website won’t be able to grow or engage customers. Micro-conversions indicate that your users are interested in your brand, but they need a final push to purchase your products or services. 

5. Ensure You’re Targeting the Right Audience

You might be driving lots of traffic to your website, but they won’t necessarily convert. That might be because you’re not targeting the right audience that is not interested in your products or services. To target the right audience, you should gather the following information about your audience:

  • Income
  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Goals
  • Behavior
  • Occupation 
  • Motivations

After collecting the required information, you can create marketing personas and use them to target the right audience that is actually interested in your products and services. 


A normal person learns from his own experiences, but a wise person learns from others’ experiences. No matter what your job is, know the pioneers in your field and learn from them. 

In this article, we introduced the top five CRO specialists that you can follow their advice with closed eyes. With their help and CRO best practices, which we explained, you can create a successful CRO strategy.

Good luck:)

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: https://brandid.app/cyrus ==> Contact: [email protected]
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