Website Conversion

Website Conversion” means when users complete some desired actions on your website, like signing up for a newsletter, completing a form, or purchasing a product. Here you’ll find the most important topics about “Website Conversion“.

Boost Conversions By Tracking These Top 10 Website Metrics

If you are wondering how effective your CRO strategies are, tracking website metrics is the best way to find out. As we live in an age of data-driven analytics, monitoring these metrics is more crucial than ever. It helps you identify and choose the right strategies so you won’t waste your marketing resources on ineffective …

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Micro Conversion: When Small Means Great

Micro-conversions are a set of actions that create the user’s path to conversion. While it’s easy to overlook these small steps, any flaw throughout the journey can stop visitors from reaching the conversion goal. Micro-conversions play a big role in increasing your conversion rate. And the good news is that optimizing them doesn’t take much …

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micro conversion