Top 7 Proven Benefits of Usability Testing and Its Drawbacks

Top 7 Proven Benefits of Usability Testing and Its Drawbacks

One of the common reasons for a product or service failure is that each part of the company and process has its own perspective about the product. This is not a bad thing and is expected on many occasions. Programmers, designers, and testers have their unique mindsets. Even if they all want the best for customers, there are times that they can’t achieve it. Here is where the benefits of usability testing will show themselves the best. 

One of the ways to achieve usability testing benefits is by gathering information about your customers and acting according to them. Recording website visitors’ actions is a guaranteed and perfect way. However, this requires that your company work in your customers’ favor. If so, our article about the best usability testing methods will be a great source to start the process. 

In this article, we will discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and benefits of usability testing in much more detail. So, let’s start. 

What Is Usability Testing?

Usability testing is a method that helps you to find out how user-friendly your products are. This is done with the help of your actual customers.

Users are given tasks to perform, usually under the observation of a researcher, in order to identify areas of misunderstanding and difficulty. However, in the Internet era, remote usability testing is much more common.

After the test, if one or more problems are common and causing difficulties, it is best to address them as soon as possible.

Why Usability Testing Is Important for Your Business?

Now that you know the basic information about usability testing, It’s time to learn how it can improve different aspects of your business such as email marketing campaigns, designing processes, product efficiency, and many more.

Importance of Usability Testing
Importance of Usability Testing

1- Interactive Design Process

Usability testing is necessary for lots of reasons. The first and most important one is that by using usability testing methods, you can get help from your users directly in the design process. You can observe how the solutions that you’re designing perform in real-world situations. Then, it is much easier to make decisions based on the data that you have gathered and enjoy the benefits of usability testing.

2- Positives and Negatives

During the tests, you will see both the positive and negative aspects of the software. These tests help you obtain information about how users interact with your software (e.g., whether they are using it as intended, or whether they encounter any issues while using the app.)

3- Improve Efficiency

Another importance of usability testing is that it improves the product’s efficiency before launching it. The project team becomes more creative with new solutions and can make the system even better by using tests. As you can see in this article by Smart Insights, there are many ways and methods to do usability tests. Each one has its upsides and downsides. 

According to Measuringu, all you need to conduct a usability test is 5 volunteers to perform it. This way, you can see the best results and take advantage of the benefits of usability testing.

How to Perform a Usability Test?

To perform a good usability test and enjoy the benefits of usability testing, you need to have data about your potential and current customers. You have to know where they are from and what their desires are. Therefore, using a user tracking service would be a wise choice in this case.
WatchThemLive is one of the best user tracking services on the market right now. We have great support and a user-friendly design, which is life-saving in some scenarios. However, the main feature we want to talk about is their user tracking service

This service will let you know where your customers come from, and what their primary device is. It will even show you their browsers. This information will help a lot in usability testing your product and gain the benefits of usability testing.

What Are the 7 Main Benefits of Usability Testing?

Usability testing is a must-do if you own a business or even if you are just thinking about starting a business and considering online business ideas. Therefore, the more data you have about how your customers interact with your product, the better you can develop it to provide the best user experience possible. The following are some of the most significant advantages of usability testing:

Benefits of Usability Testing
Benefits of Usability Testing

1. Save Time and Resources

You can use popular usability testing methods to ensure that your app works correctly and that critical features are easily accessible. As a result, you can detect every mistake in the process and will be able to solve them quickly. This will save you time and money because you can change the prototypes easily since much less effort has gone into making them than the main product. 

2. Find New Ideas

Letting your customers test your product will sometimes lead to generating great ideas. They will see things that you don’t. They have some desires that you did not think about at all. This method is used in companies by the name of brainstorming. But in this case, your customers are the ones who show you new ideas and opportunities by just using your product. Don’t miss this chance at all. 

3. Competitive Advantages

With so many similar products on the market, you’ll have to go above and beyond the usual routines. You have to make your customers happy and provide them with precisely what they need at the moment. Usability testing aids in the development of a product that is more than just functional and delivers a significantly improved user experience. This will make your brand and company stand out in the big ocean of similar products and services. 

4. Unbiased Opinions

Sometimes, It can be challenging for your team to focus on customers and give unbiased opinions about their products. It’s natural. They have worked on the development for so long and have their view established by then.

However, usability testing forces you to see the product from the end user’s perspective, providing you with valuable and objective data to use throughout the development process. Your vision of the ideal product and how users use and engage with it may be vastly different. This is one of the most important benefits of usability testing; you may put your assumptions to the test and see the results.

5- Improve Conversion Rate

By being in contact with your users, it is much more likely to see where they encounter problems that would make them leave your website in real-world situations.

By having this information, you have the opportunity to solve these problems and raise your conversion rate significantly. 

6- Reduce Support Requirement

The main purpose of a support team is to help your customers when they encounter problems while using your product. This is where usability testing makes the difference. 

One of the biggest benefits of usability testing is that it helps reduce problems with your product before release. Therefore, fewer problems mean less need for a support team and less money and time spent on them. 

7- Optimize User Flow

By giving you information about different tasks and objectives in your app or website, usability tests offer a unique window into how users interact with your product in real-world scenarios. After that, this data can be utilized to assess navigation flows and adjust user flow optimization. This is one of the benefits of usability testing.

What Are Usability Testing Disadvantages?

In the title, our goal is to cover both the advantages and disadvantages of usability testing at the same time. By now, we have seen some of the purposes of usability testing and the benefits of usability testing. Now is time to talk about the other side of the coin:

1. Selecting Target Group

It’s not that easy to find a group of users who suit your product or service and are willing to participate in your test at the same time. In some cases, your product might be for newborn kids, and we all know it’s not possible to do this kind of test with the right group. This can be a tricky part of usability testing.

2. Expenses

To perform a good test and use the benefits of usability testing, you need to invest some time and money in it. Yes, we said it would save you money first, and it’s correct. The reason it will save you money is because of a broader view and in the long term. However, you need to spend some resources first to reach that point and move forward from there. 

Related Article: How Much Does Usability Testing Cost: A Cost-Effective Solution

3. Arguable Outcomes

The test outcome may be false since users are chosen randomly, and the testing is not 100% reflective of real-life events. To obtain 100% accurate outcomes, all participants would have to provide appropriate and precise inputs, which is impractical in real-life situations.

You can overcome this problem by expanding your test group. However, this option itself would lead to more expenses and difficulty in finding suitable test subjects.


Now that we have mentioned the benefits and some disadvantages of usability testing, it is time to answer some frequently asked questions about the topic at hand:

1. What Are The 3 Purposes of Usability Testing?

The main goals of usability testing are to: 1) Assess the testers’ success in completing assignments. 2) Evaluate how effective your design is. 3) Figure out the problems with your design.

2. What Are The Outcomes of Usability Testing?

The main outcome of the usability test is the full assessment of your product and how it interacts with your users the first time so you can solve the problems and difficulties.  These can be counted as benefits of usability testing.


The primary purpose of usability testing is to know your customers’ desires before releasing your service or product. It will help you to save lots of money and resources. In this article, we talked about the importance of usability testing. We also discussed four benefits of usability testing which are helping to save time and effort and providing you with new ideas, competitive advantages, and unbiased opinions.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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