Top 4 Usability Testing Methods to Improve Your Product


Usability testing methods have helped business owners tremendously in the previous years because of the growing need for tests. We need to test, test, and test constantly. We need to test everything by performing content testing, CRO testing, etc. However, among all the different tests we can conduct, there is one that shines.

Usability testing has turned into an inevitable part of our test suites. Due to its inclusive nature, you will see that we really depend on it to succeed. This article will provide you with the information you will need about usability testing methods to improve your product.

Read it to learn more.

What is usability testing?

In simple terms, usability testing is a process that helps you test how user-friendly your service is. Usability testing uses real users as subjects, so the data and results it generates are precise. This process allows you to figure out how users experience your product. Afterward, you will be able to identify and fix their pain points and provide them with a more solid customer experience. This usability testing infographic will help you understand the concept better.

Why is usability testing necessary?

Usability testing is essential for every business that wishes to generate more revenue. What do you need to escalate your business revenue? You are right! You need loyal, satisfied customers.

So, it is unreal to provide your customers with products that they cannot benefit from and expect to gain billions. Usability testing methods help you figure out how real users use your products; therefore, you can optimize them and create better usability.


What are the different methods of usability testing?

There are various methods you can implement to perform usability testing. The types of user testing in this list are the most efficient ones. However, nothing is perfect. Each of them comes with its own pros and cons.

Some of them have special use cases that we should apply in certain circumstances. Some are mobile usability testing methods, while we can use others for both desktops and mobiles. Additionally, we must implement qualitative usability testing methods in a different way than quantitative usability testing methods.

    1. Session recording

One of the best and most reliable user testing methods is session recording. Session recording allows you to capture real-time recordings of your users. The data session replays provide lets you figure out what features are the most engaging to the users. Additionally, you can find out what seems to make your users struggle.

To implement this item of our usability test methods list, you need to use session recording software. If you are on a budget, I recommend these cheap session replay tools.

Session recording usability testing methods

WatchThemLive provides you with fantastic session replay software that you can use to test the usability of your product. Sign up for FREE to escalate your business revenue with WatchThemLive.

Session recording works best when you use it alongside other types of usability testing. You can form hypotheses about the problems users face based on session replays. However, you will need to perform additional tests to find out the underlying reasons for their problems.

    2. Guerilla testing

Guerilla testing is one of the most basic kinds of web usability testing methods. Guerrilla testing involves going in a public venue, such as a coffee shop, and asking people about your prototype. You need to pick participants in the test at random. Afterward, you will invite them to do a fast usability test in return for a little gift (such as a free coffee). The reason it allows for real-time user response is its low cost and ease.

There are times when you have a concrete design (wireframes or low-fidelity prototypes). You simply want to know whether you’re on the right track. This is where guerilla testing comes into play because it is most effective when you do it in the early phases of product development. Moreover, guerilla testing is also helpful in gathering personal views and emotional responses to ideas and concepts.

However, if you are one of those business owners that perform psychographic segmentation, you should be careful. It’s always crucial to remember that guerilla testing participants may not be representative of your product’s intended psychographic. As a result, guerilla testing may not be appropriate for evaluating niche items that need specialized knowledge (i.e., software for finance brokers).

    3. Unmoderated remote usability testing

One of the most used UX testing methods is unmoderated remote usability testing. Unmoderated remote usability testing takes place without the presence of a moderator. It provides rapid, reliable, and low-cost user testing findings that you can use to conduct additional research.

Test participants are requested to perform activities in their surroundings, on their own devices, without a moderator. This results in an organic use of the product. Unmoderated testing is less expensive, but it provides fewer thorough testing findings.

When you require a big sample to verify crucial conclusions from your first moderated research, unmoderated remote usability testing is the ideal option. Unmoderated remote usability testing might assist you in testing a specific topic or observing user behavior trends.

Remote usability testing does not profoundly analyze the rationale of a test participant. Therefore, using unmoderated remote testing as an initial usability testing approach is not advised.

    4. Phone interview

Another usability testing method is phone interviews. A phone interview is a remote usability testing method in which a moderator vocally leads participants to do activities on their device while automatically collecting feedback (the user interaction is recorded remotely).

Phone interviews are a fantastic approach to get feedback from test participants located all over the world. This form of testing necessitates the use of a skilled moderator. A moderator should have strong communication skills while communicating with test-takers.


Above, we represented some usability testing methods examples. Using these methods, you can conduct necessary tests and analyze your results. With so many various usability testing methods available, we won’t blame you if you don’t know what’s best for you straight away. So, here’s my advice: start small and take your first step.

Session recordings are one of the simplest methods to get started with user testing. This remote and unmoderated method lets you find usability problems with your site by just observing actual users interact with its pages and parts. It is a simple technique to begin increasing the functionality and efficiency of your website that takes minimum setup.

WatchThemLive is a great tool that can help you with your usability tests. It enables you to record your users’ sessions, analyze the results, and optimize your product in the best way possible.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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