Conversion Rate

“Conversion Rate”(also known as “CVR”) is the number of website visitors that complete a desired action (a conversion) out of the total number of users. Here you’ll find all you need to know about website conversion rate.

3 Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Consider in 2022

One of the most important factors that define an e-commerce business’ success is the conversion rate optimization strategies to increase sales. The conversion rate helps you measure your marketing performance, and optimize it for business growth.  There is no doubt that digital marketing is more important than ever. With the significant influence of the COVID-19 …

3 Conversion Rate Optimization Strategies to Consider in 2022 Read More »

conversion rate optimization strategy

Top 7 CRO Agencies That Do More than Just Analysis (2022)

As more businesses realize the importance of conversion rate optimization, hiring CRO agencies or using a very inexpensive CRO platform such as WatchThemLive is becoming more popular. Consequently, many companies are seeking help from conversion optimization agencies lately. Businesses save a lot of time and don’t need to learn details when using CRO agencies. That …

Top 7 CRO Agencies That Do More than Just Analysis (2022) Read More »

Top CRO Agencies