Email Marketing Campaign: Definition And Best Practices in 2024

Email Marketing Campaign Definition And Best Practices in 2024

Every day, you receive hundreds or even more emails in your inbox. Most of them are websites or apps you still need to unsubscribe from, and many more are just cold emails sent out by businesses. This is where a well-designed email marketing campaign shows its differences.

Despite all the irrelevant emails in your mailbox, email marketing is still one of the best practices in the marketing world. However, the key to its success is a professional email campaign and making your emails stand out from all the other ones.

This is the main goal of this article. We try our best to improve your email campaign by giving you all the information and data you need. If you have plans to start email marketing campaigns soon, stay with us till the end. 

What Is an Email Marketing Campaign?

An email campaign is a marketing strategy where you send out emails with different subjects to your current customers or people you want to make contact with. The goals of these emails can be different, including raising engagement, making sales, or just increasing brand awareness. 

Email marketing is still one of the best marketing tools in the world. According to Statista, there are over 4 billion email users in the world and this alone shows the potential of a successful email marketing campaign. 

By using one of the email marketing platforms in the market, you give your email campaigns a great boost in their success rate. You can easily establish a friendly relationship with your customers and make them long-term and loyal. Additionally, email campaigns make it simple to gather subscriber data and determine what is and is not performing well.

What Are the Benefits of an Email Marketing Campaign?

Now that you are familiar with the definitions of an email marketing campaign, it is time to go through some of its benefits for your business:

Benefits of email marketing campaign: increased engagement and brand awareness, data gathering and increases sales and revenue
The Benefits of an Email Marketing Campaign

1. Increases Engagement 

Emails can be a great tool to promote your website and bring new visitors to it. You can link to your blog posts and educational articles. You also can put CTAs in your emails to bring more customers over to your website. These may be confusing at first, so it’s best to go over some business email examples to start and learn the flow of them. 

2. Increases Brand Awareness

Businesses use their email marketing campaigns for brand awareness and that is because of the power of emails. Emails are a good place to promote your products and services by reaching out and giving your audience useful data using newsletters, educational content, and valuable resources.

To raise brand awareness, you should also match the appearance and content of your emails to your brand to create a strong first impression.

3. Gains Data

An email marketing campaign can be a useful tool for gathering client information and understanding their behavior patterns. This data is achievable through means such as reviews or surveys. Make sure to use this knowledge to enhance your business, emails, goods, and services.

Using an AI email generator can be a huge boost in your time and cost savings. For instance, you can write a welcoming email that explains your brand and goals and send it to all the new subscribers of your website. This is a great tool that can save you time and help you send the right email to the right audience without any mistakes.

4. Increases Sales and Revenue

Email campaigns can assist you in reaching out to a wider audience. You can find your potential customers more easily and maintain contact with them. After finding your target audience, it is time to sell your services. 

To encourage purchases, you may, for instance, offer free shipping and incentives. You can use marketing strategies such as upselling, cross-selling, and other methods as well. 

What Are The Best Practices for Email Marketing Campaigns?

Now that you are familiar with the concept of an email campaign and its benefits, it is time to give you some tips about the best ways to launch your email marketing campaign:

1. Recognize Your Audience

The first step to launching a successful email campaign is to identify your audience. You need to know them so you can send relevant and engaging emails out. To achieve this goal, you must know your brand and its values first and then reach out to the audience that matches your brand picture.

You also have to keep your emails personalized. This will increase the chance of them being opened because your customers will feel the time and effort you have put into your email rather than just bulk-sending them to everyone.

2. Pick The Right Time

After preparing your emails, now is the exciting time to send them. However, you must choose the ideal time to launch your email campaign and start the process. Avoid sending emails too early or too late in the day as this will reduce the likelihood of them being read. 

It has been proven that days like Tuesdays and Wednesdays are the best ones for sending your emails. 

3. Be Aware of Your Goals

As we said before, make sure to understand and know your goals and purposes for launching an email marketing campaign. You can not reach the correct audience without knowing exactly what you want from them. People are different and you must recognize the right ones for your business. 

Your goals can be different things such as raising awareness or increasing your website traffic. After finding out your goals, it is much easier to write an engaging and effective email for your campaign. 

4. Choose the Right Email Campaign Type

There are many types of email campaigns for different occasions and purposes which you can choose from. It is important to know which one is suitable for your current campaign the most and use it instead of others. Here are some of the most common types that you will see in your research:

  • Welcoming emails,
  • Promotion campaigns,
  • Seasonal campaign,
  • Post-purchase drip,
  • Newsletter,
  • Cart-abandonment campaign,
  • Triggered emails.

Top 5 Email Marketing Campaign Examples 

Now is the time to go through some of the iconic email campaign examples in the market that have done their job in the best way possible:

1. Headspace

Newsletters are an important part of email campaign marketing and can keep you in touch with your customers on a weekly or monthly basis. Headspace has beautifully used the power of newsletters to generate more subscribers. They used urging words such as ‘kick off new year’ and CTAs in the best way.

Email marketing campaign example: Headspace
Email Marketing Campaign Example: Headspace

2. Netflix

Netflix has used personalized content in this email campaign to reach out to customers who have not logged in for a long period. They have no unnecessary words in them and the pictures of an individual’s favorite movies or series talk for them. 

Email marketing campaign example: Netflix
Netflix Email Campaign

3. Patagonia

Patagonia is an outdoor lifestyle brand that has used a welcoming email for every new subscriber. You can see that their goal is to give their customers a clear idea of what they will receive and give them a warm welcoming message to show their importance for the company.

Email marketing campaign example: Patagonia
Patagonia Email Campaign

4. Mint

Sending special occasion emails to your subscribers is a terrific way to let them know you’re thinking about them. These kinds of emails help you boost brand affinity and maintain your brand’s awareness among your subscribers. 

Email marketing campaign example: Mint
Email Marketing Campaign Example: Mint

This is a nice and entertaining example of an email marketing campaign from Mint by Intuit. Most significantly, it doesn’t ask the subscriber to make any purchases or perform any specific action.

5. Withings

Milestone emails are great tools to be in contact with your customers. These emails are sent when some sort of milestone, such as a certain number of purchases or days subscribed to the newsletter, has been reached. This kind of email encourages your customers to stay with you and use your products. 

Email marketing campaign example: Withings
Example of Withings Email Marketing Campaign


Email campaigns and how to launch one can be a tricky subject. Here in this part, we will answer the most common questions about this topic to help you understand it better:

1. What Is The Most Effective Email Marketing Campaign Strategy?

Some of the best strategies for your email marketing campaign are: Optimizing your send-out time, A/B testing, clearing out your contact list, optimizing your CTAs, and personalizing your emails.

2. How to Create an Email Campaign?

Go through these steps to create and launch your email campaign: 1. Understand the goal of your campaign 2. Create an audience list 3. Use email marketing platforms and AI to help you write your emails 4. Determine your campaign type 5. Plan your send-out time 6. Test your email 7. Send your emails 8. Measure your results.


Email marketing is one of the oldest marketing techniques in the digital era and email campaigns are the tools to obtain its huge potential. You can use an email marketing campaign for several reasons and reach out to your audience in a way that no other channel can do. Make sure to use this tool to your advantage. 

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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