What Is a Bulk Email Sender? Definition + Top 10 Tools in 2024

What Is a Bulk Email Sender Definition + Top 10 Tools in 2024

One of the proven ways to reach out to your audience and build relationships with your customers is by sending bulk emails. By using a bulk email sender, you allow yourself to contact your customers in no time and offer them the information they need.

To have successful email marketing, you need to use all the tools that you can to achieve your goal. In this case, a mass email service can be the friend you need in your journey. Here in this article, we go through some of the best bulk email senders out there in the market that can help you a lot.

Stay with us till the end to be equipped with a powerful tool for your email campaigns.

What Is a Bulk Email Sender?

A bulk email service is a tool that businesses and organizations can use in their email marketing campaigns to send a large number of emails to their contacts. In order to assist their users in efficiently reaching and interacting with their large groups of contacts, these services often include capabilities like email list management, template building, scheduling, and analytics.

Email marketing has a revenue of around 9.7 billion dollars in the U.S. alone which shows the importance of this market. Therefore, it is mandatory to use this tool for your success. Most of the email marketing platforms that are in the market have this great tool in their services and you can easily use them. 

Top 10 Bulk Email Senders In The Market

A mass email sender can be the exact tool that you need in your artillery to make a great email campaign and send email bulk. Therefore, we’re going to introduce you to some of the best bulk email senders that you can use for your benefit:

1. Mailchimp

MailChimp is a famous bulk email sender and we can not make a list of email marketing services without them being there. Their biggest advantage over other brands is that the Mailchimp platform is much more user-friendly and you can easily start your email campaign and bulk email service.

Mailchimp Homepage screenshot
Mailchimp Homepage

By using their free plan, you can send 10000 emails per month and to 2000 contacts. This alone can help new businesses in their journey from the beginning.


  • Starts from $10.52 per month to $283 per month based on different options and features named on their website.
Mailchimp Pricing screenshot
Mailchimp Pricing

2. Mailjet

Mailjet has one of the best layouts for mass email software and this makes Mailjet stand out among free email marketing platforms. 

Mailjet Homepage screenshot
Mailjet Homepage

One of the features that Mailjet provides is real-time statistics which helps analyze your email campaigns greatly.

With Mailjet, you can customize your emails so that each of your subscribers receives a personalized format of your email. You can also grant your team members access to sub-accounts so they can work on their own, all in one place.


  • Free: 6000 emails per month,
  • Essential: $15/month, 15000 emails per month,
  • Premium: $25/month, all essentials and features included.
Mailjet Pricing
Mailjet Pricing

3. Hubspot

To create, customize, and optimize your campaign marketing emails, HubSpot offers bulk email marketing software. Their editor is simple to use and allows you to add calls-to-action, pictures, and layout customization and easily send email bulk. These all can help you to raise your email conversion rate

Hubspot Homepage screenshot
Hubspot Homepage

Another feature that Hubspot provides is its powerful A/B testing. With A/B testing and analytics, it will enable you to maximize your email campaign outcome.

Another feature that is worth mentioning is their easy drag-and-drop email builder. You can easily build your email design in a way that presents your company’s values.


  • Free: for up to 5 users,
  • Starts from $14/month to $702/month based on your needs and personalized features.
Hubspot Pricing
Hubspot Pricing

4. SendPulse

SendPulse is a multi-channel bulk email sender that has other features such as trigger emails, drag-and-drop email editor, and subscription forms. Other features that Sendpulse provides are A/B testing, segmentation, and personalization with a built-in AI email generator

SendPulse Homepage screenshot
SendPulse Homepage

You can use the Sendpulses mobile app to conveniently check the outcome of an email campaign while on the go. This can be beneficial in rush times and sticky situations.


  • Free: up to 15000 emails,
  • Standard: $4.80/month,
  • Pro: $5.76/month,
  • Enterprise: $8.06/month.
SendPulse Pricing
SendPulse Pricing

5. Drip

Drip is a CRM tool for marketing purposes. A CRM is an all-in-one platform for all of your needs in the marketing area. Drip uses data, email marketing automation, and customer intelligence to give you the best output possible. 

Drip Homepage screenshot
Drip Homepage

Drip also offers an automated email marketing platform that gives companies the ability to design and distribute customized email messages to their subscribers automatically and send email bulk.


  • Free: they offer a 14-day free plan,
  • Prices start from $39 and go higher based on your subscribers’ number.
Drip Pricing
Drip Pricing

6. Brevo

Brevo is a great bulk email sender in the market that can solve all your problems in the email marketing area. They have a clean and functional drag-and-drop editor for email editing and a great analyzing report system.

Brevo Homepage screenshot
Brevo Homepage

Another feature that can help you significantly is their audience segmentation. This feature will help you personalize your emails for different groups easily. 


  • Free: 300 email/day,
  • Starter: $6/month,
  • Business: $13/month.
Brevo Pricing
Brevo Pricing

7. Omnisend

With the help of Omnisend, a bulk email server provider with lots of rich and helpful features, you can efficiently connect and interact with your customers via SMS, email, and other channels.

Omnisend Homepage screenshot
Omnisend Homepage

Their free bulk email sender is a great tool to help you in your email campaigns. Mass email marketing is a valid choice while using the Omnisend tool. They also offer a pre-build automation system to write and give advice on your emails. 


  • Free: 500 emails per month,
  • Standard: $16/month,
  • Pro: $59/month.
Omnisend Pricing
Omnisend Pricing

8. Mailgun

Mailgun is a mass email service that gives you a well-designed API for everything you need. It also offers real-time analytics that will help you to make decisions based on them.

Mailgun Homepage screenshot
Mailgun Homepage

Another feature that is interesting about Mailhun is that this bulk email sender offers real-time email validation to safeguard web forms. 


  • They offer a free plan for up to 5000 emails,
  • Foundation: $35/month,
  • Scale: $90/month.
Mailgun Pricing
Mailgun Pricing

9. Mailmodo

Mailmodo is a bulk email server provider that has a free plan for businesses that are just starting their journey and are looking for a platform to reach out to their customers conveniently. You as a business owner can try its plan and ask your questions and problems through their 24/7 customer support.

Mailmodo Homepage screenshot
Mailmodo Homepage

Mailmodo’s main feature is its drag-and-drop email editor which uses building blocks. This future will help you to easily change the format of your emails.  


  • Little: $39/month,
  • Pro: $79/month,
  • Max: $159/month.
Mailmodo Pricing
Mailmodo Pricing

10. Aweber

You as a user of AWeber’s flexible service would only pay according to the number of members you have. One of the reasons some consumers like this service is its flexibility.

AWeber Homepage screenshot
AWeber Homepage

Additionally, AWeber is a bulk email server provider that has one of the largest collections of editable, responsive email templates for mobile devices. You may quickly and simply create and send emails using these templates. This feature is helpful when it comes to bulk sending. Aweber can easily play the role of a mass email service and meet all your expectations from such software.


  • Free: up to 500 subscribers,
  • Lite: $12.50/month,
  • Plus: $20/month,
  • Unlimited: $899/month.
AWeber Pricing
AWeber Pricing


In this article, we introduced you to the best bulk email senders out there and gave a quick introduction to their features and how they can help you. In this part, we will answer the most common questions about bulk email senders and how they work:

1. How Can I Send Bulk Emails For Free?

By using any of the above platforms that have free plans, you can make your emails and send them out to your customers to gain their attention and improve your standing with them.

2. How to Get Bulk Email Addresses For Free?

Simply import a CSV file with the complete names of contacts and their firm domains, or upload a file including the whole names of companies, to find bulk email addresses for free.


Having a successful email marketing campaign can be the key to your business growth. One of the main parts of these campaigns is bulk email sending and reaching out to a huge number of audiences. By using a professional bulk email service, you can achieve this goal easily and with some sort of guarantee. Therefore, make sure to use this tool to its full potential. 

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: https://brandid.app/cyrus ==> For Guest Posts and Links Contact: [email protected]
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