Snackable Content: How to Satisfy Your Audience’s Appetite

Snackable content is what today’s impatient web users are craving for who are hungry for content more than ever. This type of content is easy to consume and more attention-grabbing than other types. It is also highly shareable, which allows you to reach more people and connect with more prospects.

Snackable content is not only engaging but also can add a lot of value to your audience just in a few seconds. Remember the times you come across an eye-catching infographic?

In this blog post, we’ll define snackable content and discuss the formats you can use to create it with some examples. So, let’s dig in!

What Is Snackable Content?

Snackable content is a type of short-form content that is easy to digest and generally visually appealing. As we live in an era of content overload, the winners will be those who can communicate their message straightforwardly and engagingly. It’s no wonder these days bite-sized content is ruling social media.

The main purpose of this type of content is to attract the users’ attention who don’t have the time or patience for long-form content.

Additionally, many marketers use snackable content as a lead generation strategy since it can immediately capture people’s attention and encourage social media shares.

Types of Snackable Content

Here are the best ways to feed snackable content to your audience:

1- Pictures

Many people prefer to receive information through pictures rather than reading long texts. Images are great for presenting important information more effectively and supporting your long-form content.

Let’s take a look at some excellent ideas for using images to enhance your content:

  • Quotes: Quotes are engaging on their own, but you can take them to the next level, combining them with images. Try to use quotes that are relevant to your business, especially the ones from industry thought leaders. These quotes resonate more with your audience. Here is a snackable content example from HubSpot in which a relevant quote is placed on an image.

using picture as snackable content example

Image source: HubSpot

  • Statistics: Backing up your content with statistics makes it more convincing and effective. Just like quotes, visual support can make them more engaging and snackable.
  • Tips: You can highlight the tips you’ve offered in a blog post, podcast, or video using images.

2- Short Videos

Short videos have become very popular these days as users can consume them quickly and easily. If you are a social media user, you know how short videos are dominating social media. TikTok videos, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts are only a few examples of this type of content on social media platforms. An excellent way to leverage bit-sized content on social media is using social media design tools. For example, you can read this article to learn how to grow your TikTok account using UNUM.

These are some examples of how you can use short videos:

  • How-To videos: You can use how-to videos to answer your audience’s questions and provide solutions to their problems.
  • Showcase a product: You can create a short and engaging video to explain briefly your product and the values it offers.
  • Show behind the scenes: Your audience would love to see the people behind your business. Behind-the-scene videos are fun and engaging and show the human side of your brand.
  • Short interviews: Your short videos can be interviews with customers, employees, influencers, etc.

3- GIFs

GIFs are a type of snackable content that has the potential to go viral easily. You can use this versatile format to deliver promotional or educational content or only as entertainment. GIFs are also an excellent format for how-to videos and product demos.

Netflix is a great example of a brand that is using GIFs effectively.

using gif as snackable content example

4- Infographics

Infographics are a powerful content medium that can convey a lot of information without overwhelming your audience. They are the best way to make technical information snackable.

This engaging and comprehensible type of content is excellent for how-to guides or presenting facts and statistics, as this infographic from Watch Them Live.

b2b marketing kpis infographic

Image Source

Blog posts that include infographics get 72% more views than other articles. Therefore, they are a great way to drive more traffic to your website and increase conversions.

5- Memes

Memes are made to be entertaining and can be a powerful marketing tool. However, they can easily fail if not designed carefully. You need to choose something relatable to your audience and make it fun while ensuring it doesn’t annoy your audience members.

Memes help you promote your brand without being too promotional. They can also increase your brand’s visibility and engagement.

6- User-Generated Content

Another form of snackable content can be the content created by your customers about your products or services. User-generated content increases your brand’s credibility and allows you to gain the trust of new prospects. UGC also saves you time and money as users are those who create content. This type of content can be in any form, such as images, videos, blog posts, etc.

Testimonials work great as snackable user-generated content on websites. You can ask customers for testimonials or use positive reviews across the web, but remember to first ask for permission before adding them to your website.

Below you can see how Bizzabo has shared customer tweets on its website as UGC.

using user generated content as snackable content example

7- Interactive Content

Interactive content is a type of content that encourages users to interact with it. Marketers use interactive content to increase users’ engagement and gather information about their target market. This type of content allows marketers to provide a fun experience for users.

These are some examples of interactive content:

  • Interactive infographics: Use interactive infographics when you need to convey a lot of information as they don’t overwhelm users with information overload.
  • Quizzes: Quizzes are fun and engaging and enable you to collect valuable data about your customers.
  • Assessments: Just like quizzes, assessments help you better understand your customers’ behavior and interests.
  • Calculators: Calculators let users calculate how much savings your product or service can offer.

See how Audi uses interactive content. You can take a quiz to finance your Audi with a personal contract plan. Also, the data users enter enables Audi to use behavioral targeting and target users based on their preferences.

using interactive content as snackable content example

using interactive content as snackable content example

Is Your Snackable Content Satisfying?

Are you wondering if your snackable content is successful at engaging your audience? If your answer is yes, you can get help from a behavior analysis tool such as Watch Them Live. This tool offers useful features like heatmaps and session replays that help you find out how users are interacting with your content to optimize it.

WTL provides you with valuable insights into users’ behavior. These insights allow you to discover your audience’s interests so you can create content that matters to them.

Want to try out Watch Them Live to make your content more snackable? Choose the plan that suits you best and get your free trial.



As web users are becoming less and less patient, creating snackable content becomes more necessary. If this type of content is not part of your marketing strategy, you might miss many opportunities.

Snackable content can help you generate more leads and get ahead of the competition. So make sure you’re feeding your audience with enough bite-sized, digestible content.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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