Marketing Management: Definition + Tips and Tricks in 2024

Marketing Management Definition + Tips and Tricks in 2024

Any business is built around the customer and their attention. But nowadays, attracting new customers and holding their attention is not so simple; sometimes, you might have to snatch them before your competitors do. So, knowing which market and audience to aim for, how to approach it, and the whole marketing management process is crucial for a company’s success.

For any company, getting people to notice and choose your product is a big challenge, and that’s an area that marketing management can help you. Marketing management is like the secret yet essential step to catching the attention of customers and keeping them coming back for more, thus increasing your retention rate.

When done right, marketing management will make your brand shine and keep it relevant among audiences. But, what’s really behind this magic trick of winning customers over and making a brand shine? What is Marketing management and how can it help your brand?

What is Marketing Management?

Marketing has many branches and it has many complexities, which is why marketing management is required for growing companies and helps them keep things in check. Marketing management definition is the process of planning a company’s marketing strategies, identifying the right target audience, using behavioral analytics to discover their needs, and taking steps, sometimes even extra steps, to satisfy their needs.

Marketing management revolves around doing market research and finding out what customers are really interested in and actually want. This data is required as the first step for all marketing activities that will determine the direction of the product, service, and campaign that are designed for potential buyers and their needs.

Marketing Management Throughout History

Marketing management originated in the late 19th century and focused on production and sales. By the middle of the twentieth century, its objective changed towards understanding and fulfilling customer needs, which is referred to as ‘the marketing concept’. The digital age revolutionized it again, introducing digital marketing and data analytics.

Today, marketing management combines traditional and digital approaches to create profitable customer relationships; but how can its ways be beneficial to you and your company?

How Can Marketing Management Solutions Help Your Business?

Marketing management solutions are like the secret and missing ingredient to making your business grow and shine. They consist of a set of strategies that help you figure out which audience to target and the best ways to engage with them and tell them about what you’re selling, make sure they are satisfied and happy, and keep them coming back resulting in more interactions. 

Here are some ways and hows that marketing management solutions can change your business for the better:

Marketing Managements Benefits
Benefits of Marketing Management

#1 Gaining New Customers

The marketing management process and its strategies will help you find new and better markets and do audience segmentation as well. Through data analytics and market research, businesses are able to personalize their marketing strategies and reach a greater audience, thereby increasing their customer base.

#2 Satisfying Customer Demands

Meeting customer expectations is very important for any business. Marketing management solutions give companies a better understanding of customer preferences and behavior for them to be able to improve or change their product offer and services according to what their audience wants.

#3 Increasing Brand Reputation

A good, positive brand image is priceless. Effective branding can be achieved through the consistent delivery of engaging marketing communications via different mediums such as social media. This in turn builds trust and loyalty among current and potential customers.

#4 Creating More Demand

Through creating powerful marketing messages and using a variety of channels cleverly, businesses can create a desire to consume their products or services. Effective marketing management makes sure that the right messages are sent to the right people at the right moment and results in improvements in marketing campaigns.

#5 Increasing Profits

Eventually, the end result of acquiring new customers, satisfying their needs, improving the brand image, and raising demand is more revenue. Marketing management solutions simplify these processes, making sure that marketing efforts are not only creative but also targeted toward profit maximization.

Marketing management solutions make it possible to steer your way in the market efficiently. It can also boost your success by adapting to changes, sometimes even before they happen. These solutions will also help you anticipate the customer’s needs, and make every aspect of their interaction experience perfect.

5 Steps of The Marketing Management Process

All the marketing activities are included in the marketing management process of a company and they are all coordinated in a way that they all contribute towards the business goals. Any marketing management process includes 5 steps which are:

5 Steps of Marketing Management Process
5 Steps of The Marketing Management Process

#1 Defining Objectives Of Campaign

In the beginning, it is important to have specific and measurable goals for the campaign. This can include improving brand awareness, increasing sales by a certain percentage, introducing products and services to a new market, or achieving higher customer loyalty. Having specific goals serves as a reference point and guides our direction.

#2 Analyzing Market Potential And Competitors

This step involves a thorough evaluation of the market and determining its scale, potential, and tendencies. Then, with a competitor analysis, we can find the competitors’ strong and weak points, allowing us to use this critical data in promoting our product or service to the market in the right way.

#3 Researching And Designing Market Strategies

Considering the knowledge obtained from market and competition research, the campaign plan would involve researching and designing specific marketing strategies. This involves defining a target audience and choosing the product’s name, price, place of introduction, promotions, and all of these sorts of things.

#4 Planning For Marketing Teams

The insurance of good marketing strategies is careful planning and coordination among different teams. In this phase, every team member must do their responsibilities, and respect timelines and resources. This guarantees that every individual in the process knows what role they have and how it contributes to the goals of the campaign.

#5 Monitoring Progress And Modifying Strategies

The last step is to keep monitoring the performance of the campaign and check its alignment with the goals that were set out at first. This includes analyzing sales data along with customer feedback and other indicators. This reevaluation could have us alter the strategies to be more suitable for the challenges or allow us to take advantage of new opportunities.

The process of marketing management can be challenging, but also fun. Being a marketing manager requires a mix of creative and analytical thinking, so it may not be for everyone. Now that we understand the process of marketing management and how it can help brands, let’s discuss the role of a marketing manager within a company.

What Does a Marketing Manager Do?

A Marketing Manager has a pivotal role in a company, planning the strategies and monitoring their execution to enhance brand visibility, increase sales and profits, and achieve substantial growth for the company.

They are tasked with conducting market research to identify trends and customer needs and ensuring that marketing efforts align with the business objectives and help towards achieving them. A marketing manager also,

  • Sets marketing strategies to achieve business goals.
  • Finds a suitable market using market research.
  • Manages company’s budgets and profits.
  • Leads marketing teams and monitors their output.
  • Evaluates the results and changes plans accordingly.

As a marketing manager, your goal of marketing campaigns is that the customers can’t wait to come back and use your products and services again, or better yet introduce your brand to their friends (customer retention and loyalty). Marketing management is all about making sure your brand is the one that everyone is talking about and is in high demand, as that’s how you grow a successful brand.

6 Examples of Marketing Management Jobs And Their Salaries

Jobs for marketing management can be found in any industry, including tech, retail, healthcare, and entertainment because almost every sector needs smart marketing to make money and grow its brand. Some of the marketing management examples and jobs include:

6 Examples of Marketing Management Jobs and Salaries
Marketing Management Jobs and Salaries

#1 Brand Marketing Manager

Think of these specialists as the face of a company and its image. They make sure everything, from ads to products, feels right and fits what the company stands for. Their big goal is to make people recognize and grow a passion for the company’s brand.

According to Glassdoor, the average annual salary of brand marketing managers is around $95,973 in the US.

#2 Content Marketing Manager

These managers are the storytellers as they create impressive content such as blog posts, videos, and social media posts that tell you more about what the company does and why it’s the right one for you. They want to make sure you find this content helpful and interesting.

According to Glassdoor, content marketing managers’ salaries are $87,816 on average in the US.

#3 Digital Marketing Manager

These kinds of managers have all of their focus on the Internet. They plan and run online campaigns to make sure you know about the company’s products or services. They use the web to get the word out there and grab your attention.

Digital marketing managers annually make around $86,003 in the US, according to Glassdor’s data.

#4 Product Marketing Manager

These managers are all about the products and they figure out the best ways to tell you why a new product is something you would want or need. By using research, they understand what your interests are and they are also like the biggest enthusiasts of products from inside the company.

Based on Glassdoor, product marketing managers annually make around $121,288 in the US. 

#5 Social Media Marketing Manager

Ever seen a company reply to comments or post interesting content on Instagram or Twitter? That’s the social media manager’s work. They talk with people online, share updates, and make sure the company looks good on social media.

Social media marketing managers annually make around $60,735 on average in the US, according to Glassdoor.

#6 Campaign Marketing Manager

This manager runs the specific marketing campaigns from start to finish. Working with other teams, like sales, they make sure everything runs smoothly and then check how well it did. They’re like the project managers of the marketing world.

According to Glassdoor, campaign marketing managers annually make around $84,346 in the US.

Marketing management can be a fulfilling career, where a person can grow and earn well if one has the ability to blend creativity with a sense of what people desire. Each of these jobs is a piece of the big marketing scene as they help companies connect with people and turn them into their customers in various ways. Whether it’s through telling stories, running online campaigns, or chatting on social media, they’re all about getting users to notice and like what the company offers.

The marketing management salary varies with job title, location, skill level as well as the specific industry. For instance, a marketing manager working in the headquarters of a large city company may earn more than someone else in a small town magazine business.

Top 3 Tips For New Marketing Managers

For those aiming to get a job as a marketing manager, understanding the marketing management software and pursuing a marketing management degree are critical steps. Here are our top 3 marketing management tips for you that will help you land your first (or next) job as one:

Learn Marketing Management Software

Knowing how to use the tools that support the management of marketing tasks is crucial. This involves mastering software that aids in tracking customers and understanding how well your marketing efforts are paying off. You can also find online classes and free resources to help you acquire these skills.

Get A Marketing Management Degree

A degree in marketing management can be very helpful. It introduces you to the fundamentals of marketing, understanding customers’ needs, and developing good marketing strategies. Search for schools or online programs that provide marketing degrees.

Keep Up With Changing Trends

Marketing constantly evolves and so should you. Additionally, meeting people who work in marketing can result in job opportunities. Follow marketing news and connect with other marketers through social media.


So far, we have discussed most of the topics regarding marketing management, including how they help companies, the steps of the process, and the marketing management jobs and their salaries. In the FAQ section, we will answer some of the common questions about marketing management, but very briefly.

Q1. What Is Role Of Marketing Management?

Marketing management is about planning and selling the products or services of a company. It includes developing, implementing, and managing marketing activities to deepen the connection with the target audience and improve the success of the business.

Q2. Which Element Of The Marketing Mix Specifically Deals With Supply Chain Management?

Supply chain management is the ‘Place’ factor of the marketing mix. It includes the travel of products and services from creation to the customer’s hand, making them available at the right spot and at exactly the right time.

Q3. What Role Do Company Goals Play In The Marketing Concept?

In the marketing concept, company goals also play a very important role because their goals are what guide their marketing strategies and activities. These objectives also ensure that marketing activities support the wider company objectives, including sales growth, brand awareness, new market entry, etc., which ultimately contribute to the overall vision and mission of the company.


Marketing management is a necessary aspect that any business must have. It sums up to finding a way to get in touch with customers and ensuring that your brand is unique to them compared to other brands in the vase seas of the market. Combining various analyses with innovation assists businesses in determining what people need and how to deliver it.

As the world of business continues to transform, marketing management provides us with ways of adapting to these changes, steering our approaches and actions. It helps to create meaningful relationships, with customers and also between coworkers, and taking our brands to greater heights.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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