Can I use WatchThemLive if my website was created with website builders? (e.g. Wix, Shopify, Squarespace, etc.)
Yes, you can! Click Here for a complete guide on how to integrate WatchThemLive with your website builder.
Yes, you can! Click Here for a complete guide on how to integrate WatchThemLive with your website builder.
At the moment, we provide real-time tracking of the visitors’ country, device, and the page they’re on. Session replays will be available approximately two minutes after their session is closed.
If you’re a paid user, it is the exact same process as adding a new domain to your account. If you’re a free user, you can upgrade your account to enable additional page tracking.
Our freemium service is not bound to a time limit. We will continue to collect and analyze data until your website reaches freemium limits. Depending on the traffic your website receives, this might take a week or several months!
Yes. We will show all the warnings and errors that show up on your clients’ browser console tab.
WatchThemLive does not track user activity on iframes because of potential security issues regarding iframes.
Yes! You can filter the visitors, goals, recorded sessions, and the data our web analytics tool provides by many factors and also a combination of them. Web analytics and goals factors include: Country Code, Screen Resolution, Browser Language, Operating System, Device, Browser, Path, Page Title, Referrer Host, UTM Source, UTM Medium, UTM Campaign. Visitors and …
Is there an “Advanced Filtering” option for the recorded sessions or the data gathered? Read More »
Both! You can see how many clicks/taps and where they have happened on a webpage.
Yes, we send you automated weekly reports via email so that you know what is happening on your website. However, you can turn this off manually if you do not need it.
Yes. When you specify a website for session recordings or a page for heatmaps, all the data will be tracked from all devices separately (desktops, tablets, mobiles).