Effective Link Posting Strategies in 2023: Boost Your Website’s Visibility

Boost Your Website's Visibility With Effective Link Posting Strategies in 2023

Wondering about some of the best link posting strategies successful websites use? There are millions of active websites today, yet only 31% of them receive over 50,000 unique visitors monthly. Even among these, only a tiny fraction will appear on the first page of search results. And we all know those are the sites that get the most traffic. 

If you own a web page, especially for a business or a blog, you might wonder what website strategy those successful sites have. And the answer is simple! They all have effective link posting strategies.

The first part of gaining significant traffic is ensuring your site has visibility. Your consumers and prospective customers need to be able to find you through search engines and other online mediums. Yet, over 90% of web pages need help getting organic traffic from Google. This has severe harmful consequences for their ability to generate leads and revenue. 

In this article, we will see some effective link posting strategies that improve web visibility.

Why Effective Link Posting Strategies Boost Website Visibility

But what exactly is link posting, and why is it so effective? This is not to be confused with the “link posting job,” which is often unethical and can get your site banned. Instead, consider the links you encounter while reading some article or blog piece online. 

When you click on them, they take you to another page on the same site or a different resource that gives additional and valuable information. Whether internal or external, they broaden the audience’s reach and drive traffic to the linked page. 

This explains why most businesses invest heavily in link-posting strategies and constantly look for the best deals on backlinks.

In terms of effectiveness, experienced marketers have ranked it 7.8/10 on average. It is such an essential factor for search engine ranking that the #1 website on Google search results has thrice as many backlinks as the rest on the same page. 

So clearly, link posting strategies can help a site drive more referral traffic. When other blogs or websites link back to yours, it signals to the algorithm that your page is a valuable and credible source of helpful info. 

In turn, the system rewards this by bumping your site to the top of search results, placing it where more users can see it. This increased visibility results in more click-through rates to the web pages. 

It also works the other way around. When you add relevant links to your blogs, you tell the search bot that your content is backed by supportive info. This increases the credibility and search rankings of your site. So link posting is a win-win for everyone involved.

Best SEO Link Posting Strategies for 2023

It will take a lot of research to find the best SEO link posting strategies to increase your web visibility. Several excellent resources offer great tips you can implement at any stage of your journey. But here are a few steps to apply now.

#1 Start With Quality Content

It might feel like there’s a lot of emphasis on quality content, but this is because it works. Some say that there can be no link-building without compelling, relevant information. 

For example, Neal Schaffer recommends search-engine-friendly articles as the top pillar of link building. The best way to do this is by conducting keyword research to discover what your potential visitors are searching for on the internet. Doing this will enable you to plan a content strategy that works.  

Invest the time and resources necessary to craft quality pieces that align with your audience’s search intent. Ensure that you include assets that are linkable in your content. 

For example, infographics, videos, case studies, stats, etc., all have prime link juice potential. You want to use diverse, descriptive, and relevant anchor tags when adding links. It helps your readers and the search bot understand what to expect. 

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#2 Build a Network of Trustworthy Sites

Anyone who wants to increase their visibility and optimize their website through link posting must be willing to collaborate with others. The good news is that there is also a good chance that the people in your niche are also looking for ways to connect and network with you. 

Contributing a blog post or two to their sites can help you build a lasting bond with them. Still, you want to sieve the noise and focus on relevant and high-quality pages. But there are other ways to network aside from guest blogging.

Think of building relationships with the thought leaders in your industry. Web events are also another option for networking. Also, some webmasters find that using a white-hat link-building agency can be an excellent way to boost visibility and raise awareness for an upcoming event. Yet, caution is necessary if you want to get it right.

#3 Use Different Communication Channels to Strengthen Brand

Another strategy that helps you create a successful online presence is leveraging multiple communication channels. But this is easier said than done. You want to know where your target audience hangs out and what their preferred communication channels are. 

You also need to discover the topics they like to discuss. Then, depending on their age and tastes, you might build an active profile on Twitter, TikTok, and other platforms.  

Whether on social media or through newsletters, the goal is always to be accessible to your audience. Using different communication channels strengthens your brand identity and improves your website visibility. The consumers, in turn, get to know your company’s values better, which leads to brand loyalty.


Link posting is one of the most effective methods to increase website visibility quickly. It requires persistence and hard work. You must create high-quality content, learn to collaborate with trusted site owners, and utilize several channels to communicate efficiently with your audience. Still, the results often speak for themselves. 

Follow the tips in this post to enjoy a boost in your web visibility, ranking, and traffic.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: https://brandid.app/cyrus ==> Contact: [email protected]
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