8 Useful Tips for Writing High-Converting Blog Posts

useful tips for writing blog posts

We all know that content marketing is one of the most powerful ways to reach your target audience online. However, what makes a blog post-high-converting?

That’s the question we asked ourselves when we were looking for a new blogging topic for our (now) popular blog post, “The Most Effective Ways to Promote Your Blog.” 

We wanted to know what makes an article high converting and how you can improve your chances of getting more traffic and sales through content marketing.

The answer is quite simple: Follow these seven tips that will help you write high-converting blog posts that convert more visitors into clients, customers, or leads!

8 Useful Tips for Writing High-Converting Blog Posts

Stay with us to learn how to write converting blog posts that turn your visitors into leads!

1. Be Clear and Concise

Your articles need to be clear and concise so that readers can understand what you are trying to say.If you have to explain something, more than once, it is probably not worth writing at all. People have quite a short attention span and hardly spend much time reading articles.

Every writer must make sure that the content they write is not only clear and conveys information but is to the point so that the reader can get the most out of each section.

2. Include Actionable Steps in Your Articles

CTAs and lead magnets must be included in your content. A CTA means “Call to Action,” which can include a lead magnet.

A lead magnet can be any free guide, ebook, tips, tricks, or any free goodie that can entice the user into signing up or clicking on it. By using this smart strategy, you can engage your audience and create credibility for your blog.

CTAs are very important for any business. I mean, the point of writing content is to promote your products or services, right? You can’t do that without a CTA. Also, you have to make sure that your CTAs are receiving the attention you actually want. To understand the best place for your CTAs you can use heatmaps

Heatmaps are visual representations of data that show where your users click on the most through warm and cold colors. Putting your CTAs in the warm colors would be the best decision you ever made! WatchThemLive allows you to create heatmaps for any page that you want! Sing up here and get started with heatmaps now! 

3. Keep It Simple

One of the most common mistakes that people make when writing an article is trying to be too clever with their wording. You should aim for a level of simplicity and clarity that will allow your readers to understand what you are trying to say without needing any extra help from you.

It is essential that a writer use simple and easy-to-understand language. Make sure that you do not use jargon, and if you have no choice, make it a minimum. Technical lingo does not do well with people who are not very tech-savvy or have a lot of computing knowledge. 

4. Format and Edit Properly

Formatting is an essential part of writing content. You may have seen many sites with a properly formatted layout of content, whether it may be the font, color, style, or size of the text. These tiny elements make your content streamlined and beautiful to the eye of the reader. For this, you can use the smart online notepad tool. The free online notepad enables writers to easily edit and format text with great ease, with all the major text formatting features.  

5. Write Clearly

It is important that every word you use in an article has meaning for the user reading it; otherwise, they will not understand what you are trying to say! This can be difficult at times, but there are some simple tips we can share with the audience.

The most important thing you can do to write good articles is to decide what you want to say and then write it. If you are not sure where to start, try brainstorming topics that interest you. Then pick one or two of those topics, and write an outline for a short article. It does not have to be perfect right away. Just get started!

6. When Possible, Use Images

Images and other graphics make an article much easier for people to read, remember, and share on social media or elsewhere online. They also make the article more engaging, which means more people will click through from search results and visit your blog in the first place! They add an interesting and visually appealing factor to your content.

Where possible, use images and other media that are relevant to the topic of your blog post. For example, if it is about food, then include some pictures or videos of food!

7. Use References, Statistics, and Case Studies

This is another significant factor that adds major credibility and quality to your article. Why, you may ask? It is because numbers, statistics, references, and other valuable citations make sure that the claim that you are making in your article and the information that you are conveying is genuine and credible. This, in turn, helps generate value for your article in the eyes of both Google and your target audience.

8. Use Medium or Long-Form Content 

Google has certain algorithms that prefer content that is at least 500 words and over that.

Medium to long-form content ensures that the information in the article is enough to fulfill the main intent and the core purpose of the article.

“Although definitions of long-form content vary, most digital marketers would agree that it includes any blogs or articles over 1,000 words. Online businesses can post long-form content with word counts as high as 2K, 4K, or even as high as 8K. Longer content is usually centered around being more useful, informational, and comprehensive than short content.This earns more backlinks and authority, which increases your rank in SERPs.” 

(Cappoli et al., 2022).

As per THEHOTH website. 

Some Points to Remember While Writing Articles

Here are more notes to keep in mind while writing content for your blog.

1. Start With the Conclusion

Start with the end in mind (what do you want the article to convey?)

Do not literally start with the conclusion!

This will help you create an outline for your article that tells a complete story from start to finish.

2. Write In First Person

As a writer, It is much easier to write from your own perspective than from someone else’s (this can be tricky when writing about other people because it requires understanding them on a level most people do not.)

3. Create an outline

This will help you structure your ideas so they flow easily into one another and make sense in the context of the whole piece (I recommend using bullet points for this.)

4. Use Subheads and Bullet Points

Subheads and bullet points have many purposes, but the most important one is that they can make it very easy for writers to break down content and make it simple and quick for the reader to read and go through the rest of the article. 

5. Make Sure Your Images Are Relevant

If you are going with images and other graphics, make sure that they are relevant and engaging according to the article’s intent.

6. Do Not Be Afraid to Use Your Own Experiences

Writers have the ability to express themselves to great lengths. They can use this ability to portray a character, tell a story, convince and inform their audience. So, do not be afraid to use your own experiences in your work.

7. Do Not Oversell Products and Services

Language has a huge impact. Make sure that you do not make your content sound promotional, even when it is. Google dislikes promotional content that is based solely on the marketing of any product or service. Rather, make sure that your content is majorly educational so that the user can benefit from it to the maximum.

Basic Content Principles by Google

⦁Make pages primarily for users, not for search engines.

⦁Do not deceive your users.

⦁Avoid tricks intended to improve search engine rankings. 

⦁A good rule of thumb is whether you would feel comfortable explaining what you have done to a website that competes with you or to a Google employee. 

⦁Another useful test is to ask, “Does this help my users?” Would I do this if search engines did not exist? “

⦁Think about what makes your website unique, valuable, or engaging. Make your website stand out from others in your field. (Google)

                                                               Work Cited

“Webmaster Guidelines | Google Search Central | Documentation.” Google Developers.


We all know that content marketing is one of the most powerful ways to reach your target audience online. 

In this article, we took you through 8 helpful tips that can help improve your writing and help you create a high-converting blog post.

The eight tips were:

  • Be clear and concise
  • Include actionable insights in your article
  • Keep it simple
  • Write clearly
  • When possible, use images
  • Use references, statistics, and case studies.
  • Use medium or long-form content 
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: https://brandid.app/cyrus ==> Contact: [email protected]
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