Instagram Growth Services: Top 8 Tools You Can Actually Use in 2024

Instagram Growth Services Top Tools in 2024

Instagram is one of the most used platforms for individuals and businesses alike to showcase their creativity, products, and services. With over a decade since its inception, Instagram has evolved beyond just a photo-sharing app to a dynamic ecosystem of influencers, brands, and users seeking engagement and growth. With the help of Instagram growth services, users can confidently navigate this vibrant ecosystem, boosting engagement and expanding their reach effortlessly.

One of the primary goals for many Instagram users, whether they’re influencers, businesses, or content creators, is to increase Instagram followers. To meet this demand, numerous tools and services have emerged, offering various features like automation and analytics to boost engagement, widen reach, and increase follower counts.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the top Instagram growth services and tools that have garnered attention in 2024, empowering users to elevate their Instagram game and thrive more than ever.

How Does an Instagram Growth Service Work?

According to Statista, as of April 2024, Instagram is the third in monthly active users among all other social media platforms with over 2000 million active users. This alone justifies using and seeking help from some of the best Instagram growth services in the market. But how do they actually work?

When you sign up for a legitimate Instagram growth service, you will receive a dashboard and workspace where you can choose your services. You can designate the kind of content or hashtags you want to target, as well as certain actions you want to automate, such as liking or followings. The service will then interact with the appropriate audience on your behalf by using algorithms to find them.

In addition to automated chores, a lot of services include scheduling systems for publishing content, Instagram account statistics, and other features to help you produce high-quality material and publish it at the optimal moment. A growth service’s overall goal is to increase your following.

Top Instagram Growth Services

Instagram growth services are the go-to solution for individuals and businesses seeking to enhance their presence on the platform. These growth hacking tools offer a range of features designed to optimize engagement, increase follower counts, and drive overall growth. Here are some of the top Instagram growth services dominating the scene in 2024:

Top 8 Instagram Growth Services
Instagram Growth Services

#1 AiGrow

Without a doubt, currently, one of the the best Instagram growth services in the market is AiGrow which can and will help your profile to reach a high visibility in a short amount of time. It is not a trick or a short-term thing. We will discuss their methods which can boost your account right now.

AiGrow Homepage
AiGrow Homepage

1. Managed Growth Plans

This legitimate Instagram growth service will help your business or personal account in many ways. One of them is named Managed Growth Plan which will bring you organic followers. 

Managed growth plans aim to improve your Instagram presence by raising the number of followers, views, interaction, and reach of your account. Strategic measures including partnerships, performance analytics, and active audience interaction are part of these programs. Some of the features that these plans provide you are:

  • Dedicated account manager,
  • Manual interaction with targeted audiences: refined through, your preferences,
  • Enhanced engagement: increasing comments, likes, views, and followers,
  • Frequent insight reports,
  • Dedicated support team.

AiGrow’s team will analyze the hashtags and bring in organic interaction that will cause your account no problem at all. They also will help you to unfollow unsafe accounts and bots to prevent any incidents in the future.

2. Managed DM Plans

Another famous service of the best Instagram growth services that AiGrow provides you with is Managed DM plans. AiGrow through this program offers full-service Instagram DM design and marketing strategy plans for your account. Here is a full list of all the features you receive while using these plans: 

  • Dedicated account manager,
  • Manual outreach to targeted audiences,
  • Customized template messages,
  • DM response, follow-up, and react,
  • Designated messages for different types of audiences,
  • Frequent insight reports
  • Dedicated support team.

This means you can get a personal account manager who will manage all your DMs. They will reach out and make strategy plans for you to attract more attention and remain at the center of attention. This actually is the key to success in a marketplace like Instagram.

3. Managed Content Plans

AiGrow offers high-end content services to improve your Instagram engagement and presence. The service includes both original and shared written and visual content, depending on the demands of the client. This is the dream of every influencer and content creator to have an experienced mentor along the way. 

Here are some of the features you can expect by having content plans:

  • Dedicated content team,
  • Caption and hashtag writing,
  • Enhanced leads, engagements, and followers,
  • Frequent insight reports,
  • Reposting sharing content,
  • Dedicated support team.
AiGrow Pricing
AiGrow Pricing

Furthermore, another great feature of AiGrow is that you can choose your plans specifically and not be charged for services you don’t want to be included. As we said before, there are many plans such as Managed Growth, Managed DMs and mass unfollow plans with reasonable pricing tags. All you need to do is pick your plan and be sure of the process as AiGrow takes care of everything for you.

Start your Journey to being a famous social media influencer just by visiting their home page. 

#2 Zamupa

Are you looking to amplify your presence on Instagram? Zamupa is an Instagram growth service leveraging advanced technology to skyrocket your profile’s visibility. Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the Instagram waters or you’re a seasoned influencer, this legitimate Instagram growth service has tailored solutions to suit your needs.

Zamupa Homepage
Zamupa Homepage

What sets Zamupa apart is its innovative approach powered by artificial intelligence. Unlike traditional methods, Zamupa’s AI meticulously analyzes your profile, discerning the key factors essential for attracting genuine followers. Say goodbye to bots and hello to real engagement.

Each follower brought in by Zamupa is a real Instagram user, actively engaging with your content – from liking and commenting to sharing and saving your posts. This not only enhances your brand’s credibility but also propels you to the forefront of Instagram’s algorithm.

Zamupa offers two distinct plans to cater to varying needs. The Lite plan is perfect for newcomers, offering essential features like smart profile analysis and tailored follower acquisition. Meanwhile, the Pro plan delves deeper, employing advanced techniques such as competitor analysis and influencer collaborations.

Zamupa Pricing
Zamupa Pricing

Worried about security? Don’t be. Zamupa prioritizes your privacy, ensuring that no authentication data is collected. Simply specify your desired number of followers, make the payment, and watch your profile flourish.

Pro Tip: here are the top Instagram giveaway picker tools to boost your conversion.

#3 I-Famous

It’s no secret that building a genuine following can be tough. But with I-Famous, it’s easier than ever. Just like Zamupa, it uses smart technology to understand your profile, your audience, and your competitors.

I-Famous Homepage
I-Famous Homepage

I-Famous doesn’t promise instant results. Instead, it takes 2 to 5 days to grow your followers organically. This means your profile grows naturally, avoiding any trouble with Instagram’s rules.

One big thing about I-Famous? It’s all about real people. No fake accounts or bots here. Every follower you get is a real person who will like, view, and comment on your posts. This not only boosts your engagement but also makes your profile look more trustworthy.

Choosing a plan with I-Famous is simple. While you can’t pick the exact number of followers, there are five plans to suit different needs and budgets. Even the basic plan gives you extras like extra likes and comments to make your content shine.

I-Famous Pricing
I-Famous Pricing

#4 Velesty

Velesty stands out among its competitors by offering genuine engagement from real users, not bots. Whether you need to enhance a specific post or increase your follower count, Velesty provides two unique promotion options tailored to your needs.

One standout feature is the comprehensive approach, where real users interact with your profile and posts daily. Alternatively, you can opt for selective boosts in likes, comments, or followers. What sets Velesty apart is its commitment to authenticity – all tasks are carried out by real profiles, ensuring a genuine experience for both you and your audience.

Velesty homepage
Velesty homepage

Velesty ensures that your profile remains genuine, with no shady activity detected by curious eyes. The service prides itself on transparency and safety, avoiding mailings or mass actions that could jeopardize your Instagram presence.

Using Velesty is straightforward. Their website features an intuitive calculator where you can input your desired follower count and select a warranty period ranging from 10 to 100 days. This warranty guarantees the longevity of your new audience, with options for extending contracts if you wish to continue growing.

The cost of Velesty services varies based on your desired follower count and the length of the retention guarantee period. With prices ranging from $3 for 100 likes to $270 for a 100-day follower retention guarantee, Velesty offers flexible options to suit your needs and budget.

Velesty Pricing
Velesty Pricing

#5 You to Subs

We’re going to introduce one of the best Instagram growth services: You to Subs. this tool connects you with real Instagram users who actively engage with your content. No bots, no fakes, just genuine interactions.

Advantages of Using You to Subs
Advantages of Using You to Subs

When you join You to Subs, you’re assured of a quality audience. Each follower must meet strict criteria: at least 12 personal posts, a profile picture, no more than 600 followings, and a minimum of 40 followers. These are real people who have been using Instagram for at least three months, ensuring genuine interactions.

Engagement with You to Subs followers is genuine and consistent. They don’t just follow you; they actively interact with your content, leaving meaningful comments of 15 characters or more. Plus, You to Subs provides a tool for you to manage your followers’ actions, allowing you to tailor the engagement level to your needs.

Pricing with You to Subs is fair and transparent. It depends on your desired level of follower activity and how often you post. Take a look:

You to Subs Pricing
You to Subs Pricing

#6 Upleap

Upleap is one of the Instagram growth services that serves as a post-scheduling tool, content planning platform, and Instagram growth accelerator all at once. You have the option to use Upleap simply for Instagram following growth, scheduling, or for a combination of all of the services it provides for you. 

Upleap Homepage
Upleap Homepage

The way Upleap operates is by focusing on real people as followers, interacting with them, and expanding your Instagram circle of followers. They provide a plethora of filters to help you target people who are interested in what you post and your content and are thus more likely to interact with your posts and follow you back. This tool finds and targets promotion accounts to interact with via machine learning algorithms. 

Upleap pricing starts at $39 per month for the lowest amount of services and can go high to $239 which can be a problem for smaller users to start with. Additionally, you should be aware that with the basic plan, all you get is low growth speed and live analytics which are not enough if you want to compete with others. Therefore, this makes you pay more and more for better services. 

Upleap Pricing
Upleap Pricing

#7 Instazood 

Another Instagram Growth service tool that brings audiences to your account is Instazood. Instazood leverages automation to get followers to your account. However, they claim to provide organic followers that don’t include any bots or harmful accounts.

Similar to other services, Instazood uses follow/unfollow and liking techniques to draw individuals to your Instagram profile. 

Instazood Homepage
Instazood Homepage

Additionally, Instazood may post on your behalf, send DMs to welcome new followers, and automatically view articles for you. You do, however, have control over your account if you would like it not to do certain things. It is possible to set filters to set boundaries for some of its actions.

This is where it can be tricky for new users and may do harm instead of growing your account. Another issue that is worth mentioning is that Instazood provides you with only 3 days of free trial which is considerably low if you actually want to see the result. 

Instazood Pricing
Instazood Pricing

#8 Flock Social

Another Instagram growth service is Flock Social, which claims there are no phony profiles and ghost followers in their service. The top three features that are mentioned on their website are organic growth, real results, and being fast and easy to set up.

Flock Social Homepage
Flock Social Homepage

With Flock Social, your fan base will genuinely increase as they leverage targeted followers and engagements to enhance your online visibility on Instagram. Conversions are another one of their goals, which you may use to increase your KPIs for your company. 

However, with no free trial, it would be hard to jump into a new brand and it is completely logical if you have your doubts. Flock Social doesn’t provide a solution to this problem and their minimum plan is not that interesting to fall for.

Flock Social Pricing
Flock Social Pricing


In this section, we’re going to answer some common questions and provide you with a better understanding of our subject:

Q1. Are Instagram Growth Services Safe to Use?

Yes, reputable Instagram growth services prioritize safety and compliance with Instagram’s terms of service. However, it’s essential to choose a service that uses ethical practices and adheres to Instagram’s guidelines to avoid any potential risks.

Q2. Will Using Instagram Growth Services Result in Shadowbanning?

When used correctly, Instagram growth services can help enhance your account’s visibility and engagement without risking suspension or shadowbanning. However, it’s crucial to use these services responsibly and avoid aggressive tactics that violate Instagram’s policies.

Q3. Is It OK to Pay For Followers?

The purchase of Instagram followers is not a wise move. Since the followers you bought are either inactive accounts or maybe even bots, they won’t interact with your content. However, using a legitimate Instagram growth service like AiGrow will prevent these problems from happening by bringing in organic and real followers.

Final Words

Growing an Instagram account can be hard, but with the right tools and services, users can enhance their presence, engage their audience, and achieve sustainable growth. The Instagram growth services highlighted in this article offer innovative solutions, helping users elevate their Instagram game in 2024 and beyond.

By leveraging the power of Instagram growth services, users can unlock new opportunities, build meaningful connections, and establish themselves as influential voices within their respective niches.

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