Digital Experience 101: The Essential Guide

Digital Experience 101-The Essential Guide

The field of digital experience is littered with comparable phrases. You can expect 100 distinct replies if you ask 100 people to define digital experience and all of them can be right in certain situations. Which one of them is correct, though?

To illustrate, there is a strong relationship between digital experience and customer experience. As it is said in this Wikipedia article, “Marketers use digital experience to enhance the customer experience. Enhancing digital experiences influences changes in your customers’ journey experience”. It is super important to conceive this concept for further usage.

So, let’s have a look at what exactly digital experience means and how it might assist you with your business programs.

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What Does Digital Experience Mean?

A digital experience is a B2B or B2C engagement between a character and an organization, enabled by digital technologies. In addition, your design should be brilliant, proper, personalized, and multi-channeled.

You might think of a digital experience as having two intertwined aspects:

1. Providing the experience:

This refers to the tools and technologies required to provide a relevant and tailored digital experience. these experiences must be delivered to the right person at the right time on the correct digital channel.

2. The ability to deliver the experience: 

This refers to having all of the tools and technologies necessary to enable your employees and staff to manage, evaluate, and improve these highly engaging and individualized digital experiences.

What Is a Good Digital Experience?

A ‘decent’ digital experience means giving customers a quick, responsive, and seamless experience. this must be done when they switch between channels on their way to becoming customers (or as marketers call it, ‘converting’).

This definition of a good DX may be too comprehensive. Therefore, we will break it down into multiple elements to make it more understandable in the following sections. However, the important part of this definition that should be emphasized is the phrase ‘switching between channels’.

What does it mean exactly? Imagine you have some potential customers that are waiting to convert. They may have arrived from multiple marketing campaigns or different channels. It is vital to reach out to them equally and provide them with exactly what they need. 

How Can We Improve Our Digital Experience?

Here we will discuss the ways you can use to make your digital experience work out better:

1. Try to Understand Your Customers Better

Knowing exactly what your customers’ desires are and how to fulfill them is a key parameter in your business success. Of course, there are multiple tools and software in the market to help you with this matter. Nevertheless, here we will introduce to you the best of them.

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2. Be Self-Service Oriented

Customers are getting more tech-savvy, as businesses and organizations become more of that too. Customers are more accustomed to handling their own affairs online. As a result, your customers have higher desires for what you can manage online on your own.

FAQs, information bases, and online discussion forums are all instances of self-services.

3. Target Mobile Users For Better Digital Experience

Consumers, currently, live through their phones. You can use your cellphone for many things nowadays, such as ordering food, paying your bills, and so on.

If we keep in mind that almost everything can be done with cellphones, it’s wise to optimize your apps or websites for them. 

4. Grade Your Customers’ Contentment

We’ve included some suggestions to assist you in improving the experience your customers will have with your brand. You should remember that each company and business customers are different from one another. This means that customers’ expectations of the good experience vary.

As a result, businesses must collect consumer feedback so that they can truly understand whether or not they’re reaching their customers’ expectations.

How Is Digital Experience Measured?

To calculate our digital experience, we have to analyze multiple data; for instance, various reports, sampling customer surveys, and metrics such as bounce rate and UTMs that lead to conversion. 

Despite all of this information, you feel that something is lacking, and a question stays in your mind: What is the customer’s actual experience with our company?

Because of this, we should also ask some psychological questions in our analysis process to grab the core of our customers’ mental procedures.

Here are what we need to know in these situations:

  • Identify which culture your customers come from: This is beneficial to know what are your customers’ cultures and where they come from because each culture has its unique values that make the customers’ beliefs.
  • Key moments of truths: You should aim for a digital experience that delights expectations at every step of the buying process. 

What you want to do is to find important moments of truth to measure and then, enhance them with the knowledge gathered.

  • Look for social media: one of the places that customers will show their satisfaction or the opposite is their social media. You should be aware of their feedbacks and gather information to improve your customers’ experience.

What Does a Digital Experience Team Do?

A customer’s digital experience is defined, understood, and shaped by a digital experience team. Websites, smartphone apps, and social media platforms are examples of digital channels. 

In addition to developing a plan for digital experiences, digital experience teams analyze new technologies regularly to improve the company’s digital customer experience. They are responsible for analyzing all the interactions between customers and the company. In addition, they should make sure to use the best tools for this matter.

Some of these roles are:

  • Digital analyst
  • Content marketer
  • UX designer
  • Executive leader

In Conclusion

As we know, some of the experiences we have in life can’t be forgotten. They will be with us our whole life. This is the goal that every brand should be persuading. Therefore, you should make your brand’s digital experience a magical moment for your customer. Therefore, they won’t forget you and will become loyal to your brand. Make sure to aim for this goal and achieve it.


Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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