8 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing Between .NET MAUI and Flutter

8 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing Between .NET MAUI and Flutter

.NET MAUI and Flutter are popular open-source frameworks for building cross-platform mobile apps. With .NET MAUI, developers can use C# and XAML to target iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows from a single codebase. Flutter uses the Dart programming language and provides its own widget-based UI framework.

Both frameworks allow developers to reuse business logic code across platforms while providing native performance and UI. when considering app design, the choice between the two depends on several key factors, which we’ll explore in this article. 

What Are .NET MAUI and Flutter

.NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI) and Flutter are both frameworks designed to facilitate cross-platform mobile app development, but they have different underlying technologies and approaches.

.NET MAUI is a framework developed by Microsoft as an evolution of Xamarin.Forms. It allows developers to write code once in C# and XAML and deploy it across multiple platforms, including iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows. With .NET MAUI, developers can leverage the extensive ecosystem of .NET libraries and tools.

Flutter, on the other hand, is an open-source UI software development kit created by Google. It uses the Dart programming language and provides a reactive framework that enables developers to build native interfaces for iOS and Android from a single codebase. Flutter’s UI is built using its own set of customizable widgets, giving developers more control over the look and feel of their apps.

8 Key Factors to Consider When Choosing Between .NET MAUI and Flutter

In this section, we’ll examine the learning curve, performance, developer productivity, app capabilities, code sharing, stability and maturity, app distribution, and long-term viability. This comparison aims to help .NET and mobile developers evaluate which framework best fits their needs.

#1 Learning Curve

Both .NET MAUI and Flutter have a learning curve for developers new to cross-platform development. However, there are some key differences:

  • .NET MAUI builds on existing .NET skills. For C# developers already familiar with XAML and .NET, the transition to .NET MAUI is relatively smooth. The concepts carry over from WPF and Xamarin Forms. Those with no .NET experience face a steeper climb.
  • Flutter uses Dart, which is new for most developers. While Dart is easy to learn, becoming productive in Flutter has a learning curve. Widgets, reactive programming, and declarative UI take time to grasp. Flutter is a big shift from Android/iOS native development.
  • Documentation and resources favor Flutter at this stage. Google has invested heavily in Flutter docs and tutorials. The Flutter community is also more active right now. For .NET MAUI, documentation is still evolving.
  • Visual Studio support gives .NET MAUI a head start for Windows developers. The rich IDE and tooling integration aids .NET MAUI development. Flutter relies more on lightweight editors and command-line tools.

Overall, for experienced .NET developers, .NET MAUI is the easier path, especially when supported by a dedicated software development team, but for those new to .NET, Flutter likely has a gentler initial ramp-up. Both require an investment of time to master cross-platform concepts.

#2 Performance

When evaluating .NET MAUI vs Flutter for app performance, there are a few key factors to consider:

Runtime Performance

  • .NET MAUI apps run on each platform’s native runtime (.NET runtime for Windows, Mono for macOS/iOS, and Mono or .NET runtime for Android), allowing apps to achieve native performance levels. Flutter apps run on the Flutter runtime and engine.
  • Both can deliver smooth 60fps animations and scrolling on most modern devices. However, .NET MAUI has the potential advantage of leveraging native controls and runtimes.

App Size

  • Flutter app sizes are typically larger due to the inclusion of the Flutter runtime. Basic Flutter apps can easily reach 4-5MB.
  • .NET MAUI app sizes are closer to native app sizes, ranging from 2-3MB for simple apps. The .NET MAUI runtime is not bundled with the app since it uses native runtimes.

Startup Time

  • Flutter has a slower cold start as the Flutter engine must initialize. Subsequent hot starts are fast.
  • .NET MAUI has fast launch times similar to native since no runtime needs to be initialized. The native platforms are ready to go.

So, in performance-sensitive use cases like games or apps requiring very fast launch times, .NET MAUI may have an advantage over Flutter. However, both can deliver smooth and responsive UI experiences for most standard app needs.

#3 Developer Productivity

Developer productivity is a key factor when choosing between .NET MAUI and Flutter. This includes the availability of tools, documentation, and community support.

.NET MAUI benefits from Microsoft’s extensive developer tools, such as Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. These IDEs provide intelligent code completion, debugging, and profiling tools out of the box. Microsoft also provides comprehensive documentation with tutorials and API references for .NET MAUI. The .NET community is widespread, and it’s easy to find help on forums like Stack Overflow.

Flutter has great IDE support in Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, and IntelliJ IDEA. The documentation is also quite good, although not as extensive as .NET MAUI’s yet. Flutter has a fast-growing community, but it’s still smaller than .NET’s currently. Finding help can be more difficult, especially for niche issues.

Overall, .NET MAUI has a slight edge in developer productivity right now, thanks to the maturity of Microsoft’s developer tools and documentation. However, Flutter’s documentation and community support rapidly improve as its adoption grows.

#4 App Capabilities

.NET MAUI and Flutter allow developers to build high-quality, production-ready mobile apps. However, there are some differences in the types of apps each framework is best suited for.

.NET MAUI provides direct access to native platform APIs and allows full native rendering. This makes it a great choice for apps that require tight hardware integration, like gaming, augmented reality, or apps with complex visualizations. The .NET ecosystem and language connect well to business applications and enterprise development.

Flutter apps are powered by the Flutter engine, which provides its own rendering and widget library. While Flutter provides many platform-specific plugins, access is less direct than .NET MAUI. Flutter excels at building beautiful, customized UI experiences that run consistently across platforms. 

The hot reload feature makes it easy to iterate quickly on UI design. Flutter is a top choice for consumer-focused apps where a highly branded and responsive UI/UX is critical.

In summary, .NET MAUI provides closer native access for apps that require tight hardware integration, while Flutter offers excellent cross-platform UI capabilities ideal for consumer apps. Considering the app capabilities needed will help determine which framework best fits a particular project.

#5 Code Sharing

The ability to share code across platforms is a key consideration when choosing a cross-platform framework. Both .NET MAUI and Flutter offer code-sharing capabilities, but some differences exist.

With .NET MAUI, you can share C# code across platforms. The .NET MAUI framework handles translating the C# code into native UI controls for each platform. This means you can have a single C# codebase that targets Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android. The same business logic and data access code can be reused.

Flutter also allows code to be shared across platforms. Since Flutter uses the Dart programming language, you can write Dart code once and deploy it to multiple platforms. The Flutter SDK compiles the Dart code into native code for each platform. So, the same Dart codebase can target iOS, Android, web, Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Both frameworks provide good code-sharing support overall. .NET MAUI allows code portability with C# across Microsoft platforms. Flutter offers code portability with Dart across mobile, web, desktop, and embedded devices.

For most mobile developers, Flutter’s wider platform support for code sharing may give it an edge. However, for developers already using .NET, MAUI provides a simpler path for code reuse across Windows, iOS, and Android. Evaluating existing tech stacks and target platforms will help determine which framework provides better code sharing for your needs.

#6 Stability & Maturity

.NET MAUI is a fairly new framework, first released in 2022. However, it builds on the mature and stable Xamarin codebase, which has existed since 2011. Microsoft has invested heavily in .NET MAUI and is committed to its ongoing development. Microsoft frameworks are very stable and well-supported.

Flutter, developed by Google, has also existed since 2017. While not as long-lived as Xamarin, it has quickly gained popularity and a reputation for stability. The Google Flutter team delivers frequent updates and has shown a strong commitment to the framework. Overall, both .NET MAUI and Flutter can be considered mature and stable frameworks for cross-platform development.

The main advantage .NET MAUI has in terms of stability is the long history of Xamarin development behind it. However, Flutter has also proven itself to be a reliable framework over the past five years. Both deliver frequent updates and bug fixes through active development.

#7 App Distribution

Publishing apps on app stores is key when choosing between .NET MAUI and Flutter.

With .NET MAUI, you can publish Windows, Android, and iOS apps to their respective stores. Microsoft provides guides and documentation to walk you through the publishing process for each platform. The tooling handles code signing and generating app packages for submission.

You can publish Android and iOS apps to Google Play and the App Store for Flutter. The Flutter toolchain builds release versions of your app for each platform. You’ll need to set up store accounts, certificates, and keys. The Flutter team also provides publishing guides.

A benefit of .NET MAUI is built-in support for publishing Windows apps to the Microsoft Store. Flutter relies on third-party tools to generate Windows app packages.

Overall, both .NET MAUI and Flutter make distributing apps on major mobile and desktop stores straightforward. The publishing process for each framework is well documented.

#8  Long Term Viability

When evaluating .NET MAUI vs Flutter for your mobile development needs, consider their likely future adoption and support from Microsoft and Google.

.NET MAUI is Microsoft’s latest cross-platform UI framework for building mobile, desktop, and web apps with .NET. As Microsoft’s strategic framework progresses, you can expect strong long-term support and continued investment. The .NET developer ecosystem is massive, so there will be a large pool of .NET developers able to build MAUI apps.

Flutter is Google’s cross-platform mobile SDK, and it has seen rapid growth since its launch in 2017. However, Google has a history of launching and later abandoning developer products and frameworks. While adoption is growing, the Flutter community is still smaller compared to .NET. As an open-source project, Flutter’s future depends heavily on Google’s continued investment and commitment.

Overall, .NET MAUI has the advantage when it comes to long-term viability. Microsoft has committed to MAUI as its strategy for .NET mobile development. The extensive .NET ecosystem will ensure ample MAUI developers and community support. Flutter’s prospects could be clearer, as its longevity depends on Google’s strategic direction.


Let’s address some common inquiries that arise when considering the choice between .NET MAUI and Flutter for mobile app development.

Q1: What Are the Main Differences Between .NET MAUI and Flutter?

The main differences lie in their underlying technologies and approaches. .NET MAUI uses C# and XAML, leveraging the .NET ecosystem, while Flutter uses the Dart programming language and provides its own widget-based UI framework. 

.NET MAUI is an evolution of Xamarin.Forms, focusing on code reuse across multiple platforms, while Flutter emphasizes its reactive framework for building native interfaces.

Q2: Between .NET MAUI and Flutter, Which Framework Is Easier for Developers to Learn?

The ease of learning depends on developers’ prior experience and familiarity with the respective technologies. For C# developers already acquainted with XAML and .NET, .NET MAUI might offer a smoother transition. On the other hand, Flutter, with its Dart programming language and widget-based UI framework, might be more approachable for developers without prior .NET experience.


When deciding between .NET MAUI and Flutter for building cross-platform mobile apps, there are several key factors to weigh. Based on the considerations around the learning curve, performance, developer productivity, app capabilities, code sharing, stability & maturity, app distribution, and long-term viability, here are some recommendations:

  • For developers familiar with C# and .NET, .NET MAUI is likely the better choice. The learning curve will be lower, and they can leverage existing skills.
  • Flutter may be better suited for apps that require maximum performance and high frame rates, such as games. Its native compilation and full-stack control can achieve faster UI rendering.
  • For enterprise development teams who value developer productivity, .NET MAUI has advantages like C# language features and Visual Studio integration.
  • For apps that need access to native device capabilities, Flutter has the edge. But .NET MAUI is catching up quickly.
  • For code sharing across platforms, Flutter enables 100% shared code, whereas .NET MAUI requires some platform-specific code.
  • Both frameworks are stable and mature now, but .NET MAUI may have more longevity because it is backed by Microsoft.
  • Distribution is easier for Flutter on iOS. However, .NET MAUI provides seamless distribution to the desktop.

Overall, .NET MAUI is the best choice today for most typical business applications, given its strong productivity, enterprise development experience, and seamless integration with existing .NET codebases. However, Flutter remains a solid option for apps where native-level performance or full code sharing is critical. The choice depends on the specific needs and constraints of the project at hand. These key factors will help decide between these capable cross-platform mobile development frameworks.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
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