11 Best UX Design Tools to Create an Exceptional User Experience

11 best ux design tools

In any field of work, masters use their special tools to do their best.. For example, soccer players have their personalized shoes, or musicians have their handmade instruments. These are their tools of the trade, and they help them perform at their best. You can say the same thing about  user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design. The greatest UX design tools provide the foundation for the best user experience. 

These are all possible by keeping must-do UX principles in mind, besides using the best UX software in the process. UX design tools assist teams in streamlining the design process and delivering high-quality experiences to the end-users. This is the ultimate goal. So, in this article, we provide you with some of the best UX design software available in the market right now. Let’s dive into it.

Streamlined UX Design

From the first visit to the conversion, user experience design is all about generating pleasant interactions between the customer and the company. When user-centered design became the normal process in the industry, it changed the way companies looked at customers. Before, they were more concerned with the product than the customers’ feelings about that specific product. 

The user’s experience can get worse and worse if the company doesn’t conduct UX optimization. This leads to fewer conversions and more unsatisfied consumers. In other words, poor user experience design leads to poor consumer experiences. That’s not good at all for any business. Stay with us to learn the perfect solution for this problem.

What Qualities Does a Good UX Design Tool Have?

Well, that is debatable. “What do you require?” is the most critical question you need to ask yourself. The answer will assist you in determining which tool is best for the job.

You can compare options once you’ve determined your requirements. Consider the following factors when selecting the best UX design tools:

  • Usability: Is it simple to use? Are you able to navigate the features with ease? Is it easy to integrate it into your workflow and design process?
  • Integration: Are they compatible with your existing tools, systems, and procedures? A product can tick many boxes, but if it lacks the integrations you require, it can add extra steps to your process and be more trouble than it’s worth.
  • Cost: What is your financial plan? Does the tool’s price fit your budget, and do the features and functions meet your requirements?

These are some of the questions you need to answer to determine your requirements and decide according to them.

11 Best UX Design Tools For Your Business 

Now is the time to introduce you to some of the best UX applications you can use to boost your revenue:

1. WatchThemLive

WatchThemLive analytics is a multi-purpose platform that can gather crucial information about your customers. One of WatchThemLive’s services that we must focus on here is its page optimization service. This service will provide you with every detail you need about your customers’ behaviors. You will be able to watch what they do when they are on your website and understand where your website’s weaknesses are. Therefore, you can make decisions accordingly and minimize your customers’ drop rate. 

If you need a perfect service to optimize your UX design and raise your conversion rate, WatchThemLive is the right choice. You can sign up here and make a big change in your journey. 


2. Figma

Figma is a high-quality prototype tool that allows teams to work from a single source of truth throughout the design process. In fact, the most powerful feature it has is its ability to collaborate. Figma is a cloud-based solution that enables real-time collaboration and co-editing on the same document by several people. 


3. Sketch

Sketch began as a simple visual design tool for web-based companies. This software has now grown to become one of the most popular and used design tools available in the market. Sketch is popular among UI designers who are just starting with UX design. That is simple to see why, given its user-friendly interface. Its ability to generate attractive interfaces makes it a viable product design competitor to Figma.


4. Adobe XD

Adobe XD is a user interface design program for building product prototypes, mobile apps, and websites. It gives designers the tools they need to make completely functional prototypes, such as workflows, element creation, animation transitions, and other dynamic aspects. The main strength of Adobe XD is its perfect collaboration with other Adobe suites. 


5. InVision

InVision is a powerful design tool that focuses on providing the best possible user experience. A UX/UI designer can utilize InVision to handle everything from planning the user experience to collaborating on early designs and handoffs. It’s pretty beneficial to have a single platform that takes consumers from early brainstorming to development. 


6. Axure

Many of the popular prototype and UI design tools are available in Axure. It allows for feature testing and a simple developer handoff. This, paired with a focus on communication, ensures that everyone involved in a project is brought up to know about progress and changes as they occur. 


7. Marvel

Marvel is a design tool that enables you to do everything, from design and wireframing to prototyping and user testing. Because the software is so simple to use, it is the ideal choice for quickly creating prototypes and building basic, effective user interfaces.


8. Framer

Framer (previously Framer X) is an excellent tool for building high-fidelity prototypes. It is noted for having a steep learning curve, as it requires a basic understanding of CSS and HTML coding for things like animations. Final prototypes created with Framer, on the other hand, are as near to a finished product as a prototype can get.


9. Origami Studio

Origami Studio was designed by and for Facebook designers. Therefore, it offers a higher level of sophistication than InVison or Sketch, which are more beginner-friendly. Origami Studio offers a lot to people who need a more advanced prototype tool as part of their design system.


10. Balsamiq

Balsamiq’s user-friendly interface makes creating wireframes so much easier. Even someone with no prior knowledge of wireframing can put together wireframes that are visually appealing. Balsamiq covers both UI and UX, but its wireframes really stand out. It is accessible to everybody, regardless of their skill level. This is what we call ease of use. 


11. FlowMapp

Unlike other software that tries to merge UI and UX into a single platform, FlowMapp focuses only on the discipline of UX design. Creating user flows and visual sitemaps are the foundations of FlowMapp’s UX design app, which are essential for UX.



User experience is a significant factor for any company eager to succeed. Here in this article, we provided you with the factors you should notice when choosing a UX design tool. After that, we named some of the best UX design tools in the market you can use for your benefit. We hope that this article helps you in this crucial process.

Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: https://brandid.app/cyrus ==> Contact: [email protected]
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