Market Research for Startups: A Beginner’s Guide

market research for startups

Research is without a doubt one of the most important steps you need to take before you start something big, something you will put your time, energy, and resources into. By doing market research for your startup, you take each step in the launching, promoting, managing, and any other phase of your business based on knowledge instead of chance.  

This article will explain what market research is, why it’s important, and how to start doing market research for startups.

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What Is Market Research?

Market research is the process through which information is collected, analyzed, and interpreted. The data might be on a target market, customers, rivals, or the whole industry. Any successful business is built on this basis. The research serves a variety of reasons, ranging from finding a new market to starting a new company.


Entrepreneurs do market research because it allows them to make decisions based on real data. Doing research lowers the risk of building upon baseless guessing and assumption, and resources are spent directly on the most promising ideas and projects. Businesses conduct research at different stages of development for a variety of reasons. Market research may be done for these reasons:

  • Determine whether there is a market for brand new products, services, or features.
  • Keep an eye on industry trends and devise strategies for staying ahead of the curve or adapting to changes in the market.
  • How, when, and where a product should be introduced to the market.
  • Evaluate the potential of a new project: The business is unlikely to prosper if market research suggests that the demand for the product or service is low.
  • Boost the effectiveness of their marketing activities: Businesses can improve their branding and marketing efforts by evaluating customer sentiment and knowing how their brand is perceived.
  • Identify and work on new business opportunities.

Why It’s Important to Do Market Research for Startups?

It is critical for a startup to conduct market research. It’s easy to become dazzled by your great startup idea’s potential. Your product or service could look wonderful on paper or even as a prototype, but it might collapse if you don’t do your research.

There are two main reasons why it’s essential to do market research for small businesses:

1. Testing Ideas

You can and should learn various things about your product by conducting research. The first point to address is whether there is a market for your product.

It is not true that if you create something and do enough marketing, people will ultimately buy it.

It’s possible that if you choose a different target group, the product you’re thinking about would be in high demand. Timing is a very significant factor.

You don’t necessarily need to create something new; you just have to do it in a different and better way.

2. Attracting Investors

You will need more than a prototype to attract potential investors. What matters to investors is how certain it is that they will profit from your idea. You need to show the investors your research to back up your statements. As a result, market research should be a significant element of your business plan.


Good market research is valued by investors. First and foremost, it facilitates their decision-making process. If you can show them evidence that suggests you’re quite likely to generate a lot of money, they’ll feel more at peace.

It also demonstrates how involved and dedicated you are to your business. Market research isn’t the most enjoyable task, and it’s much less enjoyable than developing the product itself. Showing that you took the time and did the effort to do it will pay off later on.

What Are the Types of Market Research?

Before diving into your market, target audience, and rivals, you should know about two main sorts of research methods: primary research and secondary research.

1. Primary Market Research

Some information will have to be obtained directly from the source, such as your target audience. This is where the use of primary data comes into play. In this type of research, you collect data directly from the individuals who will use your product or service.

Using online surveys or working with focus groups to fully grasp what your potential purchasers and consumers want is a great approach to achieving this.

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2. Secondary Market Research

Employing existing research and data is called secondary market research. This is useful for analyzing market dynamics and detecting trends.

Secondary data is really important, but it will always lack that vital link back to your product because it is based on external research that hasn’t been done with your business in mind.

How to Do Market Research for a Startup?

Below, we have outlined the major process for conducting market research for startups. By following each step accurately, the chances of the failure of your business get as low as possible.

1. Define the Aim of the Research

Before anything, you need to know the purpose of your research. You should know whether it’s going to be internal or external research.

The primary focus of internal marketing research tends to be to increase income. In this process, you use your past experiences to foresee the future and take the right step.

On the other hand, external research focuses on analyzing the market and its drivers and barriers.

Having a precise purpose in market research helps to save a lot of effort and resources.

2. Ask the Right Questions

There are several key questions to be answered while conducting market research for your business plan. In order for you to make the right decisions, you need to have the right set of questions.


Use these market research questions for startups to get the ball rolling, and then come up with more questions that fit specifically with the status of your business.

  • Who is your target market?
  • What is it that your ideal consumer really wants?
  • What are your potential consumers’ demographic and psychographic segmentations?
  • What kind of spending habits do they have?
  • What is the state of the market?
  • Who are your main rivals?
  • What distinguishes you from your competitors?
  • What is the most appropriate pricing?
  • What are your options for expanding or maybe shifting your business?

3. Examine the Competition and the Market’s Potential

You should have a broad overview of the industry and the market to identify the competitors that offer similar products or services to your target market.

The first step is to identify your rivals and examine their activities to discover their strong and weak points.

To do efficient marketing research, there are market research tools for startups that you must employ. Try to pick the best tools that will help you the most during the procedure.

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4. Investigate Your Target Audience

Now that you’ve learned enough about the market and your rivals, it’s time to get to know more about your consumers. Who do you want to reach out to? What type of consumer do you want to attract?

Any business that does not conduct proper research on potential customers is bound to fail. If you want to attract people’s attention, you must first learn more about them.


Any company’s principal goal is to obtain loyal customers. The retention rate will increase by gaining such customers. To keep clients loyal to your brand, you need to pay attention to their personalities and preferences.

Knowing more about your audience would make it easier for you to meet their expectations through personalized offers and tailored plans.


After everything we discussed, we should once again remind you that making decisions based on gut feelings and relying on chance to take you on the path to success is the worst approach in business. You should research the hell out of the market, your rivals, your target customers, and anything and everything that has something to do with your business before you make any move!

First and foremost, this article explains what market research is and the reasons for a startup to undertake it before putting any time, money, and effort into an idea. Then it explores the reasons why market research is important. And finally, after explaining two different types of market research, you were given a step-by-step guide to do market research for startups.

Now that you know the basics of market research, you are ready to learn market research strategies and devise your research plan.
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Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus Nambakhsh
Cyrus is a serial entrepreneur, product-led-growth expert, a product visionary who launched 7 startups. He has built scalable platforms to help businesses and entrepreneurs. Visit my profile here: ==> Contact: [email protected]
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